Zigbee switch shows as battery

HI Guys,

i add my first Zigbee Device but it shows mne just a battery lvl.

I wann make a automation to turn on a light but It is not shown to me regarding the buttons.


Can anyone help me pls?

Go into developer options, events, type in *, click start listening and then press the switch. Code should appear specifying the event id, and the device name.

You should see something like :

device_ieee: β€˜68:00:00:00:ff:34:ba:7f’
endpoint_id: 1
cluster_id: 6
command: β€˜on’
args: []

You should use an event trigger to create automations.

Hi Francis,

thank you very much!

have you a tipp for me to make a auomation?

I wanna turn a light on and off

i try this one, but dosent work:

  - id: wz
    alias: light toggle
    - event_data:
        device_ieee: 00:15:8d:00:01:64:49:09
        unique_id: 00:15:8d:00:01:64:49:09:1:0x0006
        endpoint_id: 1
        cluster_id: 6
        command: single
          value: true
      event_type: zha_event
      platform: event
    - entity_id: light.hue_iris_2
      service: light.toggle

and this comes by *:

    "event_type": "zha_event",
    "data": {
        "device_ieee": "00:15:8d:00:01:64:49:09",
        "unique_id": "00:15:8d:00:01:64:49:09:1:0x0006",
        "endpoint_id": 1,
        "cluster_id": 6,
        "command": "attribute_updated",
        "args": {
            "attribute_id": 0,
            "attribute_name": "on_off",
            "value": false
    "origin": "LOCAL",
    "time_fired": "2020-09-28T21:13:41.553705+00:00",
    "context": {
        "id": "7c05afd601cf11eb801589718bf03546",
        "parent_id": null,
        "user_id": null

Here https://gist.github.com/niro1987/a2b9a15594957e8a846c28e13c304ad1 is a nice example.

And here :


Thank You.

This Works for me!