I’ll give it a shot when I get home from work a bit later. Thanks for your help so far.
Didn’t help to delete and readd the device. It shows the same. Would it be possible to fix in ZHA, or is the only option to swap to MQTT?
Not sure if going from ZHA to Z2m the best route, it could be a lot of work (depending on how many zigbee devices you have). Do you have another temperature sensor in the room? You could combine it with the thermostat to have it follow those values instead. If you want to move from ZHA to Z2M I believe you would need to re-pair everything.
I believe I have to repair everything too, so I probably won’t do that. I might try to buy another ZigBee USB-stick and use that one for MQTT if that would work. I have another thread for that question. I don’t have another good sensor in that room. I really would like to use the one in the floor.
I will probably go for Elko yes, I heard others had no issues with them and they are good quality & nice looking.
My setup is Sonoff zigbee device, Zigbee2MQTT, mosquito broker.
But me installing it is still some time to.
You could check out the Namron one too (if you are based in a place where they sell them, guessing you are in Norway?) With a firmware update these work very good in Z2M and are less expensive. Namron Zigbee Touch Termostat 16A Hvit | Elektroimportøren AS
You’re guessing correct about Norway.
The thermostat isn’t that old, so I was hoping to not change it yet. Namron is an option, though. Thanks for the tip. I’ve purchased a Sonoff dongle now, so I’ll give that a try first. Thanks for all help!