Zigbee thermostat recommendation

Hi folks,

I’ve recently bought a MOES BHT-002 thermostat but i’m annoyed by the lack of precision on temperature set (bug where setting in 0.5 degree increments isn’t working), poor LCD visibility and some others things.
The Z2M integration is working fine at least.

Does anyone have a recommendation on the zigbee thermostat that fulfills:

  • has Z2M support
  • has 0.5 degree precision to set temperature
  • (preferably) reads environment temperature in 0.1 step precision
  • (preferably) shows both set and read tempareture side by side on the LCD
  • is 230VAC powered (or USB powered)

I’ve been eyeing the UNSH/Tuya zigbee thermostat https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005963529004.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.7.44e7V0JYV0JYe4
However it’s unknown if .5 set temperature step is working, and much less if it even is supported by Z2M.

I’d be okay to go for something more expensive, but there’s not really that many options that i’ve seen around (even thought Z2M device list has many)

  • Tuya based are cheap but it’s really a hit and miss
  • Bosch BTH-RM230Z, expensive but haven’t seen much people using it with HA
  • and so on…

I’ve been even thinking of just getting a temperature sensor and a simple switch and do automations through a nice scheduler panel.

Anyways, thanks for your suggestions!

BTW i’m running HAOS, Z2M and TubesZB CC2652P2 POE coordinator right now.

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I’m also eyeing ZigBee thermostats, but the bosh wouldn’t work for me due to 3A limit - I’m going for the infrared panels which draw more… I wonder if the Chinese ones are any good…

Seems I’ve found the candidate: Link

It reads temperature in 0.1 increments, and 0.5 steps for setting it up over zigbee work.

I had to edit the zigbee-herdsman-converters to include the model however.
So far so good!

I got this electric floor thermostat:

€33,15 | Beok WiFi Water/Electric Warm Floor Heating Thermostat Zigbee Gas Boiler Temperature Regulator Tuya/Smart APP Alexa Alice Google

This works well with Z2M, not really with ZHA.


  - "off"
  - heat
min_temp: 5
max_temp: 35
target_temp_step: 0.5
  - none
  - manual
  - auto
  - temporary_manual
current_temperature: 19.3
temperature: 20
hvac_action: idle
preset_mode: manual
backlight_mode: high
child_lock: UNLOCK
current_heating_setpoint: 20
deadzone_temperature: 1
factory_reset: "OFF"
faultalarm: 0
frost_protection: "ON"
linkquality: 180
local_temperature: 19.3
local_temperature_calibration: -2.4
max_temperature_limit: 40
preset: manual
running_state: idle
schedule_holiday: 08:00/22.0°C 23:00/16.0°C
schedule_weekday: 06:00/20.0°C 08:00/16.0°C 11:30/16.0°C 12:30/16.0°C 17:00/22.0°C 22:00/16.0°C
sensor: both
system_mode: "off"
working_day: disabled
friendly_name: Thermostaat vloerverwarming werkkamer
supported_features: 17

Hi @saik0 and @Swerfer, thank very much for shareing your experiences with zigbee thermostats. I am looking for just the same type of thermostat, and after many hours searching through the web, I happend to have shortlisted these two models that you are appointing:

  • AVATTO Zigbee 3A Water
  • BEOK TGR85-ZB (or TDR89-ZB)

Could you please help solve theese two doubts:

  • since they both are connected to power, do they operate as zigbee routers (therefore extending the zigbee mesh network)
  • my underfloor system works for heating and COOLING (with the same underfloor circuits and electrovalves). Can these Zigbee thermostats control the system for both modes (heating and cooling)??

Thank you so much in advance!

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Thank you for sharing your experience.
We focus on smart thermostats for water floor heating, Gas boiler, Electric floor heating, etc.

  • has 0.5 degree precision to set temperature
  • (preferably) reads environment temperature in 0.1 step precision
  • (preferably) shows both set and read tempareture side by side on the LCD
  • is 230VAC powered

Email: [email protected]

Have you found a sollution for your problem? I’m in the same boat with you and can’t find the thermostat what I need for my underfloor heater/cooler system.

Hello everyone,

I have a similar problem of integration into HA but my ZIGbee device is recognized by HA with the string: TS0601_TZE284_xnbkhhdr (it is a Smart Thermostat WT198/ZWT198).

I cannot find solution and/or any quirks available.

Do you have suggestions?

Thank you all in advance!
Screenshot from 2025-01-21 21-53-31

You could try Pull requests · zigpy/zha-device-handlers

Have you found something reliable ? I’m also using MOES BHT-002/006, but is unreliable as hell (no precise, chatty, turning temperature set back to “default”, …).