Zigbee TRVs only have limited entities, no value.xxx entity - how to automate them?

All, I have sucessfully integrated 3 different Zigbee TRVs, but I have no idea how to control/automate them using Home Assistant, maybe someone can get me there?

My Devices:

Brand            Zigbee info
Vale               ts0601_trv_zonnsmart.ZonnsmartTV01_ZG 
Tuya/Moes    ts0601_trv_moes.MoesHY368_Type1
Nedis             ts0601_trv_siterwell.SiterwellGS361_Type2

I have successfully installed the custom quirks in the configuration.yaml

  custom_quirks_path: /config/custom_zha_quirks/

and copied all the files in this folder and the logs says, that they are being loaded:

2024-10-12 15:52:03.910 DEBUG (SyncWorker_5) [zhaquirks] Loading custom quirk module 'trv_saswell'
2024-10-12 15:52:03.934 DEBUG (SyncWorker_5) [zhaquirks] Loading custom quirk module 'ts0601_temphumid'
2024-10-12 15:52:04.117 DEBUG (SyncWorker_5) [zhaquirks] Loading custom quirk module 'ts0601_trv_moes'
2024-10-12 15:52:04.196 DEBUG (SyncWorker_5) [zhaquirks] Loading custom quirk module 'ts0601_trv_siterwell'
2024-10-12 15:52:04.214 DEBUG (SyncWorker_5) [zhaquirks] Loading custom quirk module 'ts0601_trv_zonnsmart'

But there is no single valve.xxx entity, there are entites for climate.xxx and sensors.xxx and switch.xxx but I have no idea, what entity I can use for automating the TRVs. I can even not use an automation blueprint like Better Thermostat among others because the expected fields do not match with available entities.
I only want to decrease the temperatures at night and increase it at daytime.

What I found out using the Developer Tools->Actions is this and it works and I can insert this into an automation, but this is not the way I thought I could use HA for (not very comfortable)

action: climate.set_temperature
  hvac_mode: auto
  temperature: 21.5
  device_id: d9b78fe80e79038cc93d683dc9ebae15

Any hint? Thanks in advance

Did you pair the devices?
With ZHA or Z2M?
Please show a screenshot.

yes, they are paired with my ConBee II Stick and I am running the latest HA:

Well, what are your expectation?
You can use automations, and control it via the UI through various cards…

For heavens sake, climate entities are a major and long-standing element of HA. Every one else handles them fine.

Maybe I am not familiar enough with HA Automations, but as far as I know for now I have to write a script for each action, so one for every point in time when the TRV has to be set to a different value or state, in the morning, over the day, in the evening and nights. I have to check for weekdays and weekdays and so forth. I was expecting the possibility to define all this in one script (per TRV, I have more of them).
But the point is, that there are automation blueprints available and they expect entities which are not available with my TRVs, e.g. “valve.xxx”, so I cannot use them so far - or I am missing anything or doing something wrong? So if anyone who uses one of these TRVs, could he/she post how he/she is using it with automations or what blueprints you are using and how?

You can add them to the stock Thermostat card and they will look like this:

Also they are automatable like most other devices.

@nickrout thats the reason why I am sure, someone can give me the hints I am looking for.

If you want user-friendly scheduling, have a look at


@fleskefjes - I am not looking for visualization, thats already fine. It about automating the TRVs

My bad, I thought you were asking how to control them:

All, I have sucessfully integrated 3 different Zigbee TRVs, but I have no idea how to control/automate them using Home Assistant, maybe someone can get me there?

@koying - thanks, looks like what I am looking for, I will investigate in this