Zigbee Wi-Fi Hub

Hi there.

I’m looking to buy some Aqara temperature sensors to place around my home and would like a zigbee hub I can connect them to that will integrate with home assistant using Wi-Fi. My home assistant is virtualised on a server in my basement so I would rather not use a usb zigbee dongle if possible.

Can anyone make recommendations for a decent wifi hub??


Not WiFi, but ethernet. Depends where you live

If you live in the EU : Zigstar


If you live in the US: ZbTube

Why not the Aqara hub?
Am I missing something in the question?


I am not aware of that working in HA.

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Thanks for that reminder. What a performance, the devices @francisp mentioned work out of the box.

I seem to recall that I had heard those bridges are crap, but it is hard to find the post.

So going through all the commotion of needing to add wires and flash firmware is the only way to get a reliable hub?

I use this CC2652 Zigbee to PoE Ethernet Serial Coordinator | TubesZB Store
No flashing required. Adds to home assistant easily with ZHA and allows you to add all zigbee devices.

There is a USB powered one linked by @francisp , but I have a PoE switch, so prefer the one in the link.

I’m running two Aqara M1S hubs in my Home Assistant… they show up under Homekit Controller:


And I have several Aqara devices connected through them. Mind you, my primary Zigbee “Coordinator” is a Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle… and maybe that’s my confusion with the original question. The question states, “Hub” and perhaps he means Zigbee “Coordinator.”


This is working well for me with Aqara Zigbee sensors in Home Assistant via ZHA; I followed the Tasmota flashing instructions in this video:

Thanks for this. I watch this guy alot. I ordered the few items in his description and will go down that route.