Zigbee / wifi Pipe temperature monitor

I’ve found a zigbee temperature sensor that I can clamp onto the pipe, I want to buy / create the same thing. Battery powered so they can be clamped onto all my radiator pipes. Attached is a link to what I have found anyone got any idea what board they will have used inside? And has anyone come across the temperature probe in the past that has the nice little pipe clamp?


Something like that, will be what you want.
I haven’t done any zigbee devices. They use much less power than wifi, so are much more suitable to battery power.

Then a temp sensor like

And the a pipe clip or hose clamp from the hardware store.

I’ve just done one of the ESP8266MOD and have 6 temp sensors DS18B20’s but it’s powered from mini usb…but you think if I use this other board it will be good for battery?

I was thinking of taking a sonoff sensor apart and using that but it’s difficult to mount the actual temp sesor to touch the pipe.


Wifi chews battery.

Has lots of low power device info.

There are those other temp sensors. The name escapes me, they are the bbq/meat type sensor.

I created the config for this device for ZigBee2MQTT. It can be found here:

Don’t know if that helps at all

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Hi Anthony, did you get this working with Home Assistant?