Hi all,
I have an xbee end device and an xbee coordinator up and running. Both Serie 2.The coordinator is plugged into my raspi running HASS. Both xbees are updated with latest firmware (end device XB24-ZB: 29A7 and coordinator 21A7). They ru in API mode.
I have those entries in my configuration.yaml:
device: /dev/ttyUSB0
baud: 9600
- platform: zigbee
name: switch bureau
pin: 0
address: 0013A200400A101A
on_state: high
In my logs i sporadically get entries like this:
Jan 15 18:53:32 homeautomation hass[549]: #033[32m17-01-15 18:53:32 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event zigbee_frame_received[L]: frame=gAN9cQAoWAsAAABzb3VyY2VfYWRkcnEBQwIqZHECWAIAAABpZHEDWBIAAAByZW1vdGVfYXRfcmVzcG9uc2VxBFgJAAAAcGFyYW1ldGVycQVdcQZ9cQdYBQAAAGRpby0wcQiIc2FYCAAAAGZyYW1lX2lkcQlDAZhxClgQAAAAc291cmNlX2FkZHJfbG9uZ3ELQwgAE6IAQAoQGnEMWAcAAABjb21tYW5kcQ1DAklTcQ5YBgAAAHN0YXR1c3EPQwEAcRB1Lg==>
So my end device joined my coordinator’s network and can send frames. For me it seems to work basically.
But my binary_sensor does not change when I push a button connected to DIO1 of my end device.
Here are the screenshots of the relevant parts of my xctu config:
first the end device XB24-ZB:
the coordinator device XB24-ZB:
I think the problem is the configuration of my devices… Can anyone guide me please?
I followed this guide (more or less, it’s for Series 1 XBees):
PPS: I have to add, I’m using encryption on those devices.