Zigbee ZHA Conbee II startup problem

Failed to set up
Check the logs

Error setting up entry ConBee II - /dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_elektronik_ingenieurtechnik_GmbH_ConBee_II_DE2484011-if00, s/n: DE2484011 - dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik GmbH - 1CF1:0030 for zha 10:50:40 – (ERROR) components/zha/core/gateway.py - message first occurred at 10:48:10 and shows up 2 times
Couldn't start deCONZ = dresden elektronik deCONZ protocol: ConBee I/II, RaspBee I/II coordinator (attempt 1 of 3) 10:50:40 – (WARNING) Zigbee Home Automation - message first occurred at 10:48:04 and shows up 6 times

It worked for a few weeks, then this situation.

Please advice!

This is a Raspberry Pi 4 with 8Gb memory and SSD. Z-Wave and Zigbee USB adapters and everything was running fine. Then error messages at startup. I have no idea what to do.