Zigbee2MQTT Addon with Sonoff Dongle won't start

Hi rockets, thanks for the motivation and to give a light in the end of the tunnel.
I like the idea, especially because I can run the Z2M independently for HA, which seems a benefit to have a stable operation of Zigbee devices even when HA is not running. Would that be a benefit?

I did some quick research and found this in the official Z2M website:
Installation | Zigbee2MQTT

Did you mean really VM? I didn´t find a solution for a VM. Besides that, it seems quite complicated to setup for both Docker and Windows.
I´m brave enough to start going through this, but would like to ask you first if you would recommend any Youtuber that guides this beautifully?

I could open the case in Github, but wanted to go through this first, as the independent running machine (either VM or Docker) seems to be the best option for me.

Like I said before, you cannot run z2m and zha at the same time.

Do you mean that I need to remove ZHA from Integrations before I even start to configure Z2M? I just wanted to keep ZHA operating with the 6 devices I have before I move them to Z2M. But I would like to start Z2M first. Is there any incompatibility issue to have both Add-Ons / Integrations running? I was not aware of this.

I assume you are using the same dongle for both?

Hi Nickrout, no. For ZHA I´m using a Sonoff ZB Bridge as coordinator.

As you are using virtualbox (I’ve not used this) I presume you just create a new virtual machine with a linux install and do a standard zigbee2mqtt install.

This might also be useful reading Zigbee2mqtt with ZHA?

Good thread, I couldn’t find it earlier.

Now we know that @wilwizard1979 is running two coordinators, there must be some other problem.

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Looking back at post 1 in this thread, there seems to be an error in node running zigbee-herdsman-convertors. Try googling those errors. As you have posted pics rather than text, we can’t do it.

Thanks rockets. I’m looking into that. Doing some research first to choose the right VM/Docker platform.
Yes, I’m running HA in Virtual Box.

I could not find a good tutorial to install Z2M in Docker Desktop so I’m moving to the option of having it installed in Ubuntu through a fresh installation in Virtual Box.

Thanks for the hint. I did an update with the code now.
I did some research, found similar errors but nothing that could lead to my issue.

I seriously recommend linux. Virtualbox just introduces problems IMHO.

Hi Nickrout, but I just have 1 hardware PC to run both HA and whatever attachments (eg. Dockers and VMs). PC runs Windows with HA installed in a Virtual Box. What setup do you have in mind?

Ideally a separate machine, maybe ex lease small desktop thing. Run HAOS.

Or start again with your PC. Back it up. Install proxmox. Then you can run a windows install and a HAOS install on the same machine.

I’m not able to go for a second hardware now, but I will consider for the future.
What are the problems do you know for running Z2M in Virtual Box?