if using discovery everything appears in entities.
thanks. I checked once more, but I dont see any Frient entity, even having clicked the ‘change homeassistant friendly_name’ checkbox.
not a single sensor or switch from the Z2M server is created, only mqtt topics? maybe I need an extra setting somewhere?
Set homeassistant: true and restart zigbee2mqtt
yes, thats what I have done… few times, and still no entities in sight.
Did manage to set the discovery topic though:
homeassistant_discovery_topic: zigbee2mqtt
nicely adds all under the 1 key in mqtt explorer:
and the user: and password: options allow to separate the logins on the broker easily, I feel that is a much underestimated option.
for now I remain in quest for the entities…
Does not change the fact that homeassistant itself still listens on homeassistant to discover devices.
Homeassistant configuration.yaml :
broker: x.x.x.x
port: 1883
discovery: true
discovery_prefix: homeassistant
yeah well, I dont use discovery , because way too many topics this simply cleans the mqtt explorer window for me.
which now makes it all clear: thats why there are no entities…? duh.
indeed. Entities are created through mqtt auto-discovery.
ok, this has been a while, please help me out… creating individual mqtt sensor on my HA instances, I test with:
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: 'zigbee2mqtt/Frient test switch'
unique_id: frient_test_switch
name: Frient test switch
which subscribes to
and {{states('sensor.frient_test_switch')}}
nicely returns:
"current": 0.04,
"energy": 0,
"linkquality": 135,
"power": 6,
"state": "ON",
"voltage": 222.59
now how do I add the template to get to the individual attributes there:
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: 'zigbee2mqtt/Frient test switch'
unique_id: frient_switch_power
name: Frient switch power
value_template: >
<<: *power
must be easy but my head is spinning right now… hope you can have a look thanks!
nevermind, it was easy
- platform: mqtt
state_topic : 'zigbee2mqtt/Frient test switch'
name: Frient switch power
unique_id: 0x0015bc002f00e485_power_zigbee2mqtt
value_template: >
{{ value_json.power|float }} # <-- needed to add _jason
sorry for bothering and the (though related) off topic.
tip: the ‘config’ topics which Zigbee2mqtt creates for all entities hold all necessary info (and more) ready to use, so we don’t even have to find out ourselves. really very cool.
Thank you too - I thought it had to go into configuration.yaml of HA - mine is now working after hours of frustration
@ francispFrancis
Dear francisp,
thank you for your hint with the adapter. Now it works for me.
Best regards
Thank you so much. Just like the others I thought it is the configuration.yaml of HomeAssistant. Thanks to you it is working now! Cheers!
This comment was clutch. I have been looking for solutions for a week and I simply had to turn off the ConBee II Zigbee integration I was using before Zigbee2mqtt.