Hello I tried to troubleshoot this but I wasnt able to make it work with anything deConz/Zigbee2MQTT . As a bit of context I was using this exact setup before but then I decided to move to SSD from SD card. After that and loading the backup nothing worked even after multiple tries so I decided to wipe everything and start anew. After fresh install I added mosquito added Zigbee2MQTT added correct serial and i got to the UI but I wasnt able to detect any devicec after accepting joins. I have no errors in log currently. Then I tried the same with deConz and nothing. Then plugged the conbee2 to PC and after few moments I was able to detect and accept the device (both IKEA switch and awara sensor). Then I saw some stuff about newer conbee2 firmware so I downgraded but it didt help. Please fire away any suggestions even the most basic ones thanks.
homeassistant: true
server: mqtt://core-mosquitto:1883
user: addons
password: ahgeir7he8xa8ohhoi9aequieph7xoo6Sohng5paezeedooquasieghai1ohkooH
keepalive: 60
reject_unauthorized: true
version: 4
port: >-
adapter: deconz
port: 8099
permit_join: true
app_name: Zigbee2MQTT
eol: /n
host: localhost
localhost: localhost
path: /dev/log
pid: process.pid
port: 123
protocol: tcp4
type: '5424'
channel: 20