Zigbee2MQTT - Control light entity (including press & turn) with Tuya / Moes Smart Knob ERS-10TZBVK-AA

This is a blueprint for the Moes / Tuya Smart Knob ERS-10TZBVK-AA.

You can easily configure the smart knob to control a light entity when integrated into Home Assistant using Zigbee2MQTT. It is based directly on the MQTT-Topic as this turned out to be the most responsive way to automate this dimmer device.

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

  • Smart knob ist integrated through Zigbee2MQTT and you need the base MQTT-topic
  • Smart knob needs to be in command mode
  • To use the full functionality your light needs to support changing color temperature


  • Push button: Toggle light entity
  • Turn knob: Dim brightness
  • Push & turn knob: Adjust color temperature


  • Smooth dimming and color transitions (adjustable). Keep in mind though that – like all dimmers – this device gets spammy pretty quick and therefore can strain your Zigbee network a bit
    • Fine-tune the resolution of the color temperature adjustments through step multiplier (1-10). Just experiment a bit and decide for yourself.
    • Set minimum and maximum color temperature. See here to match Kelvin values with your desired effect.
    • Set minimum and maximum brightness
    • Optional: Prevent dimming brightness to 0 and therefore switching off the light unintentionally
  • The automation checks on correct mode of the smart knob and will keep it in COMMAND mode.
  • Change automation mode within blueprint to easily experiment for smoothest/most responsive experience. For me ‘single’ worked alright – ‘parallel’ or ‘queued’ might be worth a try.


  name: "Control light entity with Tuya ERS-10TZBVK-AA Smart Knob (command mode)"
  description: >
    Blueprint to easily configure the **Tuya ERS-10TZBVK-AA Smart Knob** to control a light entity when integrated into Home Assistant using **Zigbee2MQTT**.

    It is based directly on the MQTT-Topic as this turned out to be the most responsive way to automate this dimmer device.

    Also see [the device page](https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/devices/ERS-10TZBVK-AA.html) on the Z2M homepage for more information.

    **Important Note:** The device needs to be in **COMMAND mode** – the other one being EVENT mode – for the automation to work. However the blueprint will automatically check for the correct mode and should keep the device in COMMAND.
    Do a triple button press to change mode manually. You can also see the current mode in the corresponding HA device page or in Zigbee2MQTT.

     - Press button: Toggle light
     - Turn left/right: Change brightness / dim light
     - Press, hold **and then** turn left/right: Change color temperature

     - The automation checks on correct mode of the smart knob and will keep it in **COMMAND* mode.
     - The maximum and especially minimum brightness is adjustable and therefore can prevent switching off the light by dimming too low – just set minimum brightness >0.
     - Minimum and maximum color temperature can be set. See [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_temperature) to match Kelvin values with your desired effect.
     - Fine-tune the resolution of the color temperature adjustments through step multiplier (1-10).
  source_url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TriggrHappy/blueprint_tuya_smart_knob/refs/heads/main/blueprint.yaml
  domain: automation
      name: MQTT Topic
      description: "The parent MQTT topic of the smart knob (e.g. 'zigbee2mqtt/Tuya Smart Knob)'. Typically the last part will be the given name of your device."
      name: Light Entity
      description: "The light to be controlled."
            - domain: light
      name: Step Multiplier
      description: "Multiplier for color temperature change. I.e. in which resolution do you want to fine tune color temperature? (1 = very slow change; 10 = fast change)"
      default: 5
          min: 1
          max: 10
          mode: slider
      name: Minimum Color Temperature (Kelvin)
      description: "The minimum color temperature in Kelvin. (Default 2000)"
      default: 2000
          min: 1000
          max: 6500
      name: Maximum Color Temperature (Kelvin)
      description: "The maximum color temperature in Kelvin. (Default 6500)"
      default: 6500
          min: 1000
          max: 6500
      name: Minimum Brightness (%) 
      description: "The minimum brightness you want the light to dim. Set 0 to be able to turn off the light with the dimmer. (Default 1)"
      default: 1
          min: 0
          max: 100
      name: Maximum Brightness (%) 
      description: "The maximum brightness you want the light to dim. (Default 100)"
      default: 100
          min: 0
          max: 100
      name: Light Transition
      description: "Configure light transition. Set to 0 to disable transition. (Default 0.2)"
      default: 0.2
          min: 0.0
          max: 4.0
          step: 0.1
          unit_of_measurement: seconds
      name: Automation Mode
      description: "Experiment with the different modes if your experience does not feel smooth enough. Normally single should work alright. (Also see https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/automation/modes/ )"
      default: single
          mode: dropdown
            - single
            - restart
            - queued
            - parallel

  - platform: mqtt
    topic: !input mqtt_topic

condition: []

  - variables:
      command: "{{ trigger.payload_json.action }}"
      step_size: "{{ trigger.payload_json.action_step_size }}"
      step_percent: >-
        {% if is_number(step_size) %} {{ (step_size / 2 ) | int }} {% else %} {{
        0 }} {% endif %}
      step_multiplier: !input step_multiplier
      kelvin_min: !input kelvin_min
      kelvin_max: !input kelvin_max
      min_brightness: !input min_brightness
      max_brightness: !input max_brightness
      light_transition: !input light_transition
      mqtt_topic: !input mqtt_topic
      light_entity: !input light_entity

  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ command == 'single' or command == 'double' or command == 'rotate_left' or command == 'rotate_right' or command == 'hold' }}"
          - service: mqtt.publish
              topic: "{{ mqtt_topic }}/set"
              payload: '{"operation_mode": "command"}'
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ command == 'toggle' }}"
          - service: light.toggle
              entity_id: !input light_entity

      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ command == 'brightness_step_down' }}"
          - service: light.turn_on
              entity_id: !input light_entity
              brightness: >-
                {% set current_brightness =
                state_attr(light_entity, 'brightness') | int %} 
                {% set new_brightness = current_brightness - (step_percent * 255 / 100) %}
                {{ [new_brightness, min_brightness] | max }}
              transition: !input light_transition

      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ command == 'brightness_step_up' }}"
          - service: light.turn_on
              entity_id: !input light_entity
              brightness: >-
                {% set current_brightness =
                state_attr(light_entity, 'brightness') | int %} 
                {% set new_brightness = current_brightness + (step_percent * 255 / 100) %}
                {{ [new_brightness, max_brightness] | max }}
              transition: !input light_transition

      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ command == 'color_temperature_step_up' }}"
          - service: light.turn_on
              entity_id: !input light_entity
              kelvin: >-
                {% set current_kelvin = state_attr(light_entity, 'color_temp_kelvin') %}
                {% if current_kelvin is not none %}
                  {{ [current_kelvin + (step_percent * step_multiplier), kelvin_max] | min }}
                {% else %}
                {% endif %}
              transition: !input light_transition

      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ command == 'color_temperature_step_down' }}"
          - service: light.turn_on
              entity_id: !input light_entity
              kelvin: >-
                {% set current_kelvin = state_attr(light_entity, 'color_temp_kelvin') %}
                {% if current_kelvin is not none %}
                  {{ [current_kelvin - (step_percent * step_multiplier), kelvin_min] | max }}
                {% else %}
                {% endif %}
              transition: !input light_transition

mode: !input automation_mode
max_exceeded: silent

Stopped because an error was encountered at November 1, 2024 at 9:56:17 PM (runtime: 0.00 seconds) UndefinedError: 'dict object' has no attribute 'payload_json'

any help here please?

Im using an external MQTT server if that makes a difference

What MQTT topic did you enter?

Living button

there no double click option in command mode?

looks like it has to be zigbee2mqtt/living…now working…thanks

Unfortunately not.

Also see here: Tuya ERS-10TZBVK-AA control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT

do you test that? double click works in command mode in my mind

Any idea why I’m getting a ZCL command error (Status ‘UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE’) when I try a normal turn of the knob with your blueprint?

Only the single click works. It’s set to command and using the correct MQTT Topic (clicking works)


I just tested it again by manually subscribing to the MQTT-Topic.

If it is indeed supposed to work by the device itself then it at least does not seem supported by Z2M.


Can you check if you have the exact same device like this:

Looks to me like the payload you get through MQTT is different then for mine…

Thanks for the reply. Pretty much apart from ‘Zigbee manufacturer’

Couple of payloads from the log

info 2024-11-12 09:08:26z2m:mqtt: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/SmartKnob', payload '{"action":"single","action_rate":null,"action_step_size":null,"action_transition_time":null,"battery":100,"linkquality":128,"operation_mode":"command","voltage":2800}'
info 2024-11-12 09:08:26z2m:mqtt: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/SmartKnob', payload '{"action":"","action_rate":null,"action_step_size":null,"action_transition_time":null,"battery":100,"linkquality":128,"operation_mode":"command","voltage":2800}'
info 2024-11-12 09:08:26z2m:mqtt: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/SmartKnob/action', payload 'single'
info 2024-11-12 09:08:26z2m:mqtt: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/SmartKnob', payload '{"action":"toggle","action_rate":null,"action_step_size":null,"action_transition_time":null,"battery":100,"linkquality":128,"operation_mode":"command","voltage":2800}'
info 2024-11-12 09:08:26z2m:mqtt: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/SmartKnob', payload '{"action":"","action_rate":null,"action_step_size":null,"action_transition_time":null,"battery":100,"linkquality":128,"operation_mode":"command","voltage":2800}'
info 2024-11-12 09:08:26z2m:mqtt: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/SmartKnob/action', payload 'toggle'

Is there a way to get a full list of the payloads?

This is great, thanks!

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Thank you for sharing, just use your blueprint and it works for me!

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Hi i’m a total Noob here… i got the blueprint working and i really like it! But i have a question, is it possible to cycle my favourite colors when i press and turn the knob?
If so, how do i do that?

While in general this is of course possible it is also beyond the scope of the blueprint.
Feel free to experiment with the „Taking control“-option.

For what you want to achieve it might be easiest – and also most versatile – to create an input helper and use it to activate the corresponding scene with a seperate automation. Then use the Moes just to cycle through the input helper (there is an action for it).

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Works lovely. Thanks!