Zigbee2MQTT - Danfoss Ally send external temperature to TRV version 2

It seems the automation is not running.
Try to start it manually via the automation page. I had this error for a long time after the HA restarts. After the restart, the error is gone and the automation works.
After doing a new edit of the script.noop according the instructions, the error seems to be gone… but I have to recheck…
Greets Nobbb

“Radiator covered” does not work at all. The thermostat opens as it should and the temperature is also updated and sent to the thermostat. But the thermostat never closes.

EDIT: script.noop was the problem :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

But I get these errors after restarting Home Assistant

Logger: homeassistant.components.automation.ally_kontor
Source: helpers/script.py:2032
integration: Automation (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 20:08:16 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 20:08:16

Ally (Ext Temp) Kontor: Error executing script. Invalid data for call_service at pos 2: offset script.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noop should be format 'HH:MM', 'HH:MM:SS' or 'HH:MM:SS.F' for dictionary value @ data['duration']

Logger: homeassistant.components.automation.ally_kontor
Source: components/automation/__init__.py:764
integration: Automation (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 20:08:16 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 20:08:16

Error while executing automation automation.ally_kontor: offset script.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noopscript.noop should be format 'HH:MM', 'HH:MM:SS' or 'HH:MM:SS.F' for dictionary value @ data['duration']

This happens because at startup radiator_covered_state is not available.

  max_update_minutes: |
    {% if radiator_covered_state == 'off' %}
    {% elif radiator_covered_state == 'on' %}
    {% else %}
    {% endif %}

The script wants to start timer with duration of "script.noop" * 60 which is string and will not obviously work. Not sure does the duration set ever work if radiator_covered_state is not available or is this just startup issue. Probably after startup radiator_covered_state is available and this doesn’t show up after that.

  - service: timer.start
      entity_id: !input max_update_timer_id
      duration: "{{ max_update_minutes * 60 }}"


I’ve been using your BP for quite some time. However since last update it has stopped working with the following trace error:
Fel: extra keys not allowed @ data[‘payload_template’]

How would i go about to fix this issue?
Currently none of my thermostats get an updated temperature due to this error.

Since update 2024.8 I noticed, that the payload_template parameter of MQTT publish will be deprecated in 2025.2.0.

To make it work again, change it to payload: in blueprint.
this part

  - service: mqtt.publish
      topic: >-
        zigbee2mqtt/{{ device_attr(device, 'name')
        payload: '{{ (states(temp_sensor_id) | float * 100) | round(0) }}'
  - service: timer.start

Thank you! this solved my problem