Zigbee2mqtt database and entities list in HA

Hi, I’m thinking to migrate my HA instance from RPi3 to RPi4. My current Home Assistant Core version is quite old and i will install the latest when moving to RPi4. I have bunch of devices connected with CC2531 and zigbee2mqttt and other wifi devices.

I’m thinking to setup a fresh installation in RPi4, then restore the snapshots from RPi3. But before that, I want to know what items should i restore from the snapshot so that all my paired devices in zigbee2mqtt/wifi will retain in the RPi4?

Also, where is the zigbee2mqtt database and other paired entities are actually stored?

Here is my latest snapshot, please advise what items should i restore to keep my paired device working in RPi4? I just know I need to uncheck the Home Assistant 0.104.3.