Zigbee2MQTT devices do not show up in HA

Hi everyone,

I tried out Zigbee2MQTT today with a second stick in addition to ZHA
integrated. Zigbee MQTT also works so far, my test sensor could also be connected and is also visible in the add-on. However, no device appears in HA. I suspect the problem is with the Mosquitto broker, which was already present in my system and is configured as a bridge for accessing SolarAssistant. In the integration of MQTT, only this appears as a device with its entities.
In principle, I can also see the Z2MQTT topic in the MQTT explorer. It just doesn’t appear in HA. Unfortunately, I’m not really familiar with the MQTT story and hope to find some more expertise here.
Here is the configuration of Mosquitto for Solarassistant

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Thank you in advance

Did you enable the following setting in the Zigbee2Mqtt configuration?

homeassistant: true

This is stored in /config/zigbee2mqtt/configuration.yaml and can also be changed in the Z2M add-on configuration if you are using add-ons.

thanks for your answer. Yes, this Setting is enabled.

Do the devices show up in Z2M?

yes, devices show up in Z2M. Only in Mosquitto do neither devices nor entities appear. I suspect the configuration as a bridge. Unfortunately, I need this for the connection to Solarassistant.