Zigbee2Mqtt: Error while starting zigbee-herdsman - another one

Hi, I’m having trouble getting zigbee2mqtt (current version 1.30.1-1) to work. My HA is installed on RaspberryPi4 version 2023.2.5 Supervisor 2023.02.dev1502. I installed it on Debian 11 according to the instructions Installing Home Assistant Supervised on a Raspberry Pi with Debian 11

My zigbee gateway is a ConBee II with the latest firmware 26780700, and it is connected to the RPI4 via an additional cable that moves the device away from the Raspberry.

Currently the log looks like this:

[00:25:03] INFO: Preparing to start....
[00:25:04] INFO: Socat not enabled
[00:25:06] INFO: Starting Zigbee2MQTT....
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2023-02-25 00:25:11: Logging to console and directory: '/config/zigbee2mqtt/log/2023-02-25.00-25-11' filename: log.txt
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2023-02-25 00:25:11: Starting Zigbee2MQTT version 1.30.1 (commit #unknown)
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2023-02-25 00:25:11: Starting zigbee-herdsman (0.14.89)
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2023-02-25 00:25:21: Error while starting zigbee-herdsman
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2023-02-25 00:25:21: Failed to start zigbee
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2023-02-25 00:25:21: Check https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/guide/installation/20_zigbee2mqtt-fails-to-start.html for possible solutions
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2023-02-25 00:25:21: Exiting...
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2023-02-25 00:25:21: undefined

Configuration, on the other hand, like this:

data_path: /config/zigbee2mqtt
enabled: false
master: pty,raw,echo=0,link=/tmp/ttyZ2M,mode=777
slave: tcp-listen:8485,keepalive,nodelay,reuseaddr,keepidle=1,keepintvl=1,keepcnt=5
options: "-d -d"
log: false
mqtt: {}
port: >-
adapter: deconz

I also tried changing the port to /dev/ACM0, which is how the device is detected, but it didn’t help.

On this log page there is a suggestion to check if the user has write permissions to the port. I don’t really understand which user, but I ran the Terminal add-on in HA and ran this test command there: test -w /dev/ttyACM0 && echo success || echo failure, which gave the result success.

The ConBee II itself is visible as a device in HA, and I was able to pair the WXKG01LM button just now, so this dongle seems to work. The button press actions in the device dongle are detected correctly.

I also installed the Mosquitto add-on. Using the desktop application mqtt-spy, I verified that I could connect to it using the permissions of the user I created for that purpose, and it went ok. So I added the broker connection data to the configuration, but that doesn’t help either:

data_path: /config/zigbee2mqtt
enabled: false
master: pty,raw,echo=0,link=/tmp/ttyZ2M,mode=777
slave: tcp-listen:8485,keepalive,nodelay,reuseaddr,keepidle=1,keepintvl=1,keepcnt=5
options: "-d -d"
log: false
user: mqttuser
password: mqttpass
base_topic: zigbee2mqtt
server: mqtt://localhost:1883
port: >-
adapter: deconz

Can you guys help? I don’t have much experience with HA and Zigbee in general, so I don’t know what to do with it next.