Zigbee2mqtt: getting rid of your proprietary Zigbee bridges (Xiaomi, Hue, TRADFRI)

Does anyone know which downloader cable / cc debugger is required for sniffer device here : https://www.aliexpress.com/item/RF-TO-USB-CC2530-CC2591-RF-switch-USB-transparent-serial-data-transmission-equipment/1996354384.html

Is there anything additional required for using this stick instead of the one mentioned in the getting started guide?

Best bet would be ask in this thread:

Looks like you need a 5 pin cable, but its not clear if there is any header soldered on the board already.
@kirovilya in that thread has got it working, but I’m pretty sure that he’s made a custom cable for it.

Also it need a different firmware because of the RF frontend in this sniffer.
I added a wiki page on @Koenkk repo with the links:


Glad you got it working. Not that it is unstable, but I found out its quite easy kind of for the sniffer to be held up by an application, and if you try starting it again, it will reject it.

Like I run it in docker, and if I use simply the one given, as the other containers are still running, after a while it will not be able to start again. So one has to stop and delete the previous containers. Or ensure to use the --rm=true flag.

So looking at step 5, though I did’t use it, its possible that the previous session you used wasn’t properly stopped, and you tried to start it again as a daemon. So since it was running before or still held up, the daemon will not be able to run. Re-inserting it cleared it out.


Does your bridge pick it up at all? I get spinlock: false appear in the log when starting the pairing process for my Xiaomi devices, for these Ikea bulbs, nothing. The bulb is within 10cm of the sniffer so I don’t think it’s a proximity issue.

Can you try updating the firmware version of the bulbs to the latest version? (using the TRADFRI hub). In the end of 2017 Ikea released firmwares which makes their devices fully ZLL compliant. This is (propbably) needed in order to work with zigbee2mqtt.

@Odianosen25 I followed your approach. I installed docker on my Pi3 and it’s working flawlessly with the --rm=true flag. Thanks for pointing me out this way.

@doubleUS, glad I could help. Though this is what I use when I am done debugging
docker run -it --name zigbee2mqtt -v /home/pi/zigbee2mqtt/data:/app/data --device=/dev/ttyACM0 --restart unless-stopped koenkk/zigbee2mqtt:arm32v6


I’ve added an Aqara door sensor using the code provided on the wiki but it is not displaying the battery percentage in Home Assistant. Any one else experiencing this issue?

Would anybody be interested in buying a cc2531 already flashed? Thinking of doing a bulk buy to save people having to flash their own, it would save people buying the downloader and debugger too.


The battery status is send after some time, on most of the devices you can trigger it by pressing the pairing button.

Yes please!

This is a great solution, but not the best. But i thank you for the effort. The best is develop lib like like zigpy/bellows and use directly CC2531 usb dongle. I want to try but have limit to python

Not sure I agree.
With mqtt zigbee2mqtt can support hass and also other home automation platforms. Hence wider adoption and dev contribution.
Since hass has mqtt autodiscovery the integration is close to native.

It is not native, ZHA component also official support, the dev from zigpy/bellows just not interest in CC2531.
It is best with this setting, must code the lib for cc2531 first

usb_path: /dev/ttyUSB0
database_path: /config/zigbee.db
radio_type: cc2531
Also have some lib from java to adapt like GitHub - zsmartsystems/com.zsmartsystems.zigbee: ZigBee Cluster Library Java framework supporting multiple dongles

I just verified that with routers in the network (e.g. Xiaomi Smart power plug) you can connect more devices.


Could you share the step you’ve taken? And what if I ran zigbee2mqtt within docker? Will it work in there also?

Same here, looks like Home Assistant doesn’t support json_attributes for MQTT binary sensors.

Thank you for this project, mine is working great with my Tradfri bulbs, running zigbee2mqtt in Docker. Will be adding some Xiaomi stuff soon, great to eliminate all these hubs.

I’d be happy to do this as well, I am in the US (CA). I was going to flash a few sticks for friends, and went ahead and ordered some extras. Anyone interested PM me

Finally got everything in the mail from China and ready to begin…but first problem right off the bat. I am unable to create a TI account to download SmartRF Flash programmer from TI. No matter what I do, the account will not create and I just hang on a page after entering in information. Is there any other source to get the flash program?