Zigbee2mqtt: getting rid of your proprietary Zigbee bridges (Xiaomi, Hue, TRADFRI)

That worked! Now it’s running. I previously had tried uninstall then re-install, but didn’t remove the repository link. This time I did and all is well. Thanks for all the help.

Next up, pairing devices, fingers crossed.

Good luck.

Hello everyone!

Just bought the equipment needed to do this! Very cool indeed!

I was wondering: can anyone that has made the switch from Aqara’s Gateway to the USB sniffer stick tell me about the range difference? Which one has the best range/distance? Or are all the same?

Thanks a lot!

I ordered it last week but haven’t even got any zigbee stuff yet other than my Hive thermostat which has to stay on it’s own hub :roll_eyes:

The Xiaomi hub has longer range.
There is a discussion on the github page about range extension techniques.
i.e. either using repeaters (such as xiaomi hardwired switches/sockets) or zigbee coordinator with better range (via Antenna etc).

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Wow! Thank you very much! Will take a look.

I’ve read that thread in detail and it seems one of the easiest options is to flash another CC2351 to act as a router that can be placed between the end device and controller: https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/52#issuecomment-391991062


I just got the flasher tool. I am Sunshine Coast, QLD If someone needs me to flash their cc2531 device.

Yeah I guess i’m in Sydney if anyone wants to borrow my gear too :slight_smile:

Perth here.

Australia represent!


Would Zigbee2MQTT be easily adapted to support the Hampton bay ceiling fan (https://www.homedepot.com/p/Hampton-Bay-Industrial-60-in-Indoor-Black-Smart-Ceiling-Fan-with-Wall-Control-and-WINK-Remote-Control-99998/305651811)? I’m not sure how complex adding new types would be…

@boojew someone’s on it

I thought I searched the repo- but seems I didn’t. Awesome! Thanks. I’m excited by the idea of getting rid of my xiaomi hub and SmartThings. How stable has this been?

Just to let everyone know I’ve now got stock of already flashed CC2531 devices, please message me for pricing and shipping options. I am based in the UK but I am willing to ship worldwide.


Nooo, I just bought all the things already haha :smiley:

Its good to have the debugger etc then you have flexibility to flash repeaters etc in the future if you need.


Not only repeaters.
I expect the firmware itself might improve in future and I would need to put a newer version.


There have been some bug fixes for multiple sensors. As more people with larger setups try zigbee2mqtt, we might see things show up. We’ve had a pretty stable setup so far for the majority of people but an update is never out of the question.

I’ve got an extra dozen USB sticks flashed and can ship to US. PM me for a link