Once every other day one of the bulbs in my zigbee network drops off. When i try to turn on the device, or change britghness/color i get error:
failed (no response received (163))
This iss odd, given the LQI of the dive is good. The only workaround for now is re-pairing the device. Only to wait until another bulb drops out. This happens with multiple models, including the LCT001 and LCT010.
Does anyone have expierence troubleshooting this problem?
I’m getting a bit of this with end devices - motion sensors particularly - but not with bulbs.
I’m pretty sure it’s because the network isn’t rich enough in some parts of the house, so I’m beefing it up progressively with smart sockets, which seems to be working.
Sounds as if you’ve tried swapping bulbs around - if the problem persists in the same place then the location is likely to be the issue.
Have you got a couple of Zigbee smart plugs you could move around to identify weak spots? LQI is a bit of a blunt stick for measuring signal quality - different manufacturers calculate it differently. Also, as I understand it, routes around the network change all the time.
There are plenty of routers in that area. The amount of routers compared to the size of the house should me more than OK. Also the bulbs dropping out arent bound to a specific location in the house.
Sometimes one bulb stops responding wich is next to 3 other bulbs, within 1.5 meter of each other. The other 3 bulbs still work fine, so a connectivity issue seems not te be the cause.
Not likely, however could your coordinator have too many local connections? Some coordinators are limited to 20 local connections.
You might try removing one of the problematic bulbs and re-adding it ‘via a router’ rather than at the coordinator. Thought would be to get less direct connections to coordinator and a more ‘meshie’ configuration of your network. Same logic might apply to your end devices.
How a zigbee mesh network ends up forming is a bit of ‘black hole’, however, I understand the ‘add via’ feature was designed to ‘recommend’ to the network to be more distributed.
You seem to have about the same number of end devices as routers. I’ve been wondering about this myself - is there a “healthy” ratio? I’d always assumed that you needed more routers, but I haven’t been able to find any documentation to confirm it.
Yes, I tried this and it was sometimes helpful. In ZHA you can also adjust the timeout for connections to mains- and battery-powered devices. The default for mains seems to be 7200 seconds. Don’t know if increasing this would help - or even if it’s a good idea!
I’ve switched to the Sonoff Dongle. The issues I was encountering seems to be originating from a bug in the firmware of the Conbee II. I do not have devices randomly stopping responding. I do however have other complications after switching. I will open a new topic on that item, as it is not related to his post.