Zigbee2MQTT Hue Dimmer Remote Scene Controller

Hue Remote based Scene Controller

One nice feature that Hue’s hub offers (as opposed to) Zigbee2MQTT is the ability to toggle through scenes with the Hue remote. I’m trying to get off of Hue and over to Z2M and as such I wrote this blueprint…

My personal use Case

  • I had a remote that was directly BOUND to a light or light group

  • Each time I hit the ON button I want it to cycle through a variety of scenes (and/or scripts)

Blueprint Inputs

Field Description
Z2M Device Name What is the device name in Zigbee2MQTT
ON Count Number of ON scenes/scripts
OFF Count Number of OFF scenes/scripts

Blueprint Code:

  name: Hue Dimmer 🎛️ Hue Dimmer 🔅️ Action 💡️ (Zigbee2MQTT)
  description: >
    ## Overview

    This blueprint will enable a [Hue Dimmer Remote](https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/devices/324131092621.html) (connected via Zigbee2MQTT) to function as a scene controller. 

        ││ ON  ││  Press ON to cycle through Scenes and Scripts
        ││  *  ││
        ││  *  ││
        ││ OFF ││  Press OFF to cycle through Scenes and Scripts

    ## Requirements

    The main requirement of this blueprint is the existance of an **Input Text Helper** named: `zigbee2mqtt_json`

    ## Details

     At each press of the `ON` or `OFF` button the automation will send a request to change to a specific scene as well as launch a specific script. If either of these scenes or scripts exists they will be activated.

     Both Scenes an Scripts follow a specific naming convention:

     For example if you have a device called `Basement Remote` (in Z2M) and it will look for the following scenes/scripts:

     When iterating through presses of the `ON` button:

     - `script.basement_remote_on_0` / `scene.basement_remote_on_0`
     - `script.basement_remote_on_1` / `scene.basement_remote_on_1`
     - `script.basement_remote_on_2` / `scene.basement_remote_on_2`

     When iterating through the `OFF` button:

     - `script.basement_remote_off_0` / `scene.basement_remote_off_0`
     - `script.basement_remote_off_1` / `scene.basement_remote_off_1`
     - `script.basement_remote_off_2` / `scene.basement_remote_off_2`

    **⚠️ NOTE ⚠️: The blueprint requires the following input text helper: `input_text.zigbee2mqtt_json` to exist and have a default value of `{}`**

  domain: automation
  # icon: "mdi:remote"
      name: Z2M Device Name
      description: "This will be used to calculate the topic that Z2M is publishg to. So for example if you have the topic `zigbee2mqtt/Basement Remote/action` your device name woudl be: `Basement Remote`"
      name: ON count
      description: >
        The maximum number of scenes available to cycle through. 

        **⚠️NOTE:⚠️** this is a `0` based value so if you have `5` scenes it will look for scenes `0` through `4`
      default: 5
          min: 1
          max: 10
          step: 1
          mode: box
      name: OFF count
      description: >
        The maximum number of scenes available to cycle through.

        **⚠️NOTE:⚠️** this is a `0` based value so if you have `5` scenes it will look for scenes `0` through `4`
      default: 5
          min: 1
          max: 10
          step: 1
          mode: box

mode: queued
max: 10

  # input_text.zigbee2mqtt_json
  # current_scene: "{{ state_attr('input_number.remote_basement_scene_selector', 'value') | int }}"
  device_topic: !input device_topic
  # my_light: !input light_entity

  # Parse the existing helper - if its empty, unset or actually has valid data this should work
  stored_json_text: '{{ iif(states(''input_text.zigbee2mqtt_json'') in [None, '''',''{}''], dict({device_topic:{"state":"off","scene":0}}) | to_json,  states(''input_text.zigbee2mqtt_json'')) }}'

  # Extract light state
  light_state: "{{ (stored_json_text.get(device_topic, dict())).get('state','off') }}"
  # Calculate current scene ID a s well as the "rollover mod values for an on or off press"
  current_scene: "{{ (stored_json_text.get(device_topic, dict())).get('scene',0) | int }}"

  # Assuming a secondary On or Off is pressed - calculate what the new ID woudl be taking into account rollover
  on_count: !input on_count
  off_count: !input off_count
  on_scene_id: "{{ ((current_scene + 1) % (on_count | int)) | string}}"
  off_scene_id: "{{ ((current_scene + 1) % (off_count | int)) | string}}"

  # Extract the command from MQTT payload - and construct the trigger key which is made up
  # of the last stored light state + the command
  command: "{{ trigger.payload.split('_')[0] }}"
  trigger_key: "{{light_state}}:{{command}}"

  # Construct various dictionaries entries for this automation
  # Off/On Cycle will use their according data values as well
  dict_base: "{{dict({device_topic:{'state':command, 'scene':0}})}}"
  dict_on: "{{ dict({device_topic:{'state':command, 'scene':on_scene_id}}) }} "
  dict_off: "{{ dict({device_topic:{'state':command, 'scene':off_scene_id}}) }} "

  # These dictionaries above will be combined with a filtered dictionary
  # We just want to update the existing dictionaries which is supposed done by making a new dictionary
  # out of a filtered dicctionary and one of the oens above
  dict_filtered: "{{ dict( (stored_json_text).items() |  rejectattr('0','eq',device_topic) | list ) }}"

  # Build out JSON Packets
  # If we have a state transition we'll send the base_json packet
  # if we are Cycling we send either on_json or off_json accordingly
  base_json: " {{ dict(dict_base, **dict_filtered) }}"
  on_json: " {{ dict(dict_on, **dict_filtered)}}"
  off_json: " {{ dict(dict_off, **dict_filtered)}}"

  # Generate Strings arrays
  strings_on: "{{[device_topic | lower | replace(' ','_'), command, on_scene_id] }}"
  strings_off: "{{[device_topic | lower | replace(' ','_'), command, off_scene_id] }}"

  # Build out the prefix for actions
  prefix: "{{ device_topic | lower | replace(' ','_') ~ '_' ~ command ~ '_'}}"
  scene_dict: "{% if light_state == 'on' %}{{ dict({'on': on_scene_id, 'off': '0'}) }}{% else %}{{ dict({'on': '0', 'off': off_scene_id}) }}{% endif %}"
  scene: "{{ dict({'on':('scene.' ~ (strings_on | join('_'))),'off':('scene.' ~ (strings_off | join('_')))  })  }}"
  script: "{{ dict({'on':('script.' ~ (strings_on | join('_'))),'off':('script.' ~ (strings_off | join('_')))  })  }}"

  # Make a list of all scenes/scripts that exist
  # this will be used later for a boolean check
  all_scenes: "{{ states.scene | map(attribute='entity_id') | list  }}"
  all_scripts: "{{ states.script | map(attribute='entity_id') | list  }}"

  - platform: mqtt
    topic: zigbee2mqtt/+/action

  - alias: "Trigger on correct action"
    condition: template
    value_template: "{{ (trigger.topic == 'zigbee2mqtt/' + device_topic + '/action') and (trigger.payload in ['on_press','off_press'])}}"

  - service: input_text.set_value
      entity_id: input_text.zigbee2mqtt_json
      value: "{{ base_json }}"
  - choose:
      # ON
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            alias: "ON"
            value_template: "{{ trigger_key == 'off:on' }}"
          - alias: "Set Base JSON"
            service: input_text.set_value
              entity_id: input_text.zigbee2mqtt_json
              value: "{{base_json}}"

      # ON_CYCLE
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            alias: "ON_CYCLE"
            value_template: "{{ trigger_key == 'on:on' }}"
          - alias: "Increment Scene"
            service: input_text.set_value
              entity_id: input_text.zigbee2mqtt_json
              value: "{{on_json}}"

      # OFF
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            alias: "OFF"
            value_template: "{{ trigger_key == 'on:off' }}"
          - alias: "Set Base JSON"
            service: input_text.set_value
              entity_id: input_text.zigbee2mqtt_json
              value: "{{base_json}}"

      # OFF_CYCLE
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            alias: "OFF_CYCLE"
            value_template: "{{ trigger_key == 'off:off' }}"
          - alias: "Increment Scene"
            service: input_text.set_value
              entity_id: input_text.zigbee2mqtt_json
              value: "{{off_json}}"
  - parallel:
      - sequence:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ 'scene.' ~ prefix ~ scene_dict[command] in all_scenes }}"
          - service: scene.turn_on
              transition: 1
              entity_id: "scene.{{prefix ~ scene_dict[command]}}"
      - sequence:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ 'script.' ~ prefix ~ scene_dict[command] in all_scripts }}"
          - service: "script.{{prefix ~ scene_dict[command]}}"