Zigbee2MQTT management in HA

I run Zigbee2MQTT inside a Proxmox LXC and it has it’s own web page etc.
Is there a plug in/add on/ HACS that will allow me to manage that instance from within HA?

I believe if I use the official add on here zigbee2mqtt/hassio-zigbee2mqtt: Official Zigbee2MQTT Home Assistant add-on it’ll go install what I already have running in the LXC.

Make a web based dashboard with the zigbee2mqtt url.
Show in sidebar.
That will do the trick. You can modify from whitin HA

Really good idea but I got lost in a rabbit hole of confusion.
My HA is https zigbe2mqtt is not so it complains.
I then tried adding the url: property and other ‘stuff’ and think I need a ssl cert for the zigbee2mqtt site but confused the hell out of me so I gave up.

Unless someone can link a really simple step by step to get it working I’m not bothered for now, it’s a nice to have not essential.