Zigbee2MQTT missing in add-on store (I can see 'edge' and 'proxy'

Hi there,

Adding Zigbee2MQTT for the first time, follow the instructions to add the repository, refreshed browser and can see “Zigbee2MQTT Edge” and “Zigbee2MQTT Proxy” but I don’t see the normal ‘stable’ branch available to install. I’ve tried removing/addding repo, refreshing, clearing cache etc.

Any ideas why that won’t show up for me?

Same just happened to me, after a reboot of my HA server.

Looks like there was an update a few hours ago to the git repo…so going to assume something has been broken.

It happened to me as well. It happened after I restored my backup for 1.42 because 2.0 broke something, and I tried to restore an older version to make my HA usable again.

I just had this problem as well, and I’m going to wait for a resolution; thank you for being such an active community; I thought I was doing something wrong.

Someone commited a change with a syntax error in json.

Discussion and potential interim solutions here: Addon 45df7312_zigbee2mqtt does not exist in the store · Issue #693 · zigbee2mqtt/hassio-zigbee2mqtt · GitHub