Hopefully not answered elsewhere… I have looked!
New to Zigbee and recently purchased a couple Tuya WSD500A devices. I tried ZHA and then learned via Google these devices aren’t ideal and dont follow the Zigbee standard etc. hardware defined reporting etc.
Out of interest I’m also trying these with Zigbee2MQTT and, to be fair, I have been able to configure Reporting … to a degree. Changing Reporting for the Temp and Humidity does change the device beahavior ( contray to some Google results) but the changes dont seem to align to what I actually set via Settings → Reporting. Basically it seems to switch between 5min reporting and 10min reporting and not reflect my set values…
To get to my point: I’m going to try a more methodical approach and therefore have reset the device and want to read the current default Max/Min Interval and Change value.
I know on ZHA I could get these values via “Reconfigure”.
How can I see these on Zigbee2MQTT?