Zigbee2MQTT - Tuya 4-button Scene Switch (TS0044)

This blueprint seems broken with the most recent versions of both Zigbee2MQTT and Homeassistant. With the original blueprint the 4-button switch never triggers the automation. With the change from konnectedvn, further on in this topic, the automation gets triggered, but there’s no response to any of the actions.
I have the TuYa TS0044.

Has anyone else this behaviour? Any easy way to fix it? I now wrote my own automation, which works fine, but is tedious. A proper blueprint would be much better.

yep. just upgraded and none of my switches work with this blueprint… the automation does not get triggered.

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mine does not work too…

Created my blueprint with original code from first message to figure out what happened.
Works for me if I remove (or comment) line

  attribute: action


- platform: state
  entity_id: !input "switch"
  attribute: action

Can confirm this worked for me when setting up today thank you :slight_smile:

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Make sure the Home Assistant Legacy and general Legacy switches in Z2M are set constantly. This is what’s messing you up I believe.

I don’t have this switch so I can’t tell you how this blueprint was designed to use what set-up for these legacy switches, but this is likely causing the inconsistencies.

You-all need to look at these and see how they are set and you will likely find the actual problem without having to change the blueprint code.


Just added one of these switches to Home Assistant and couldn’t get anything to work from the blueprint.
In Zigbee2MQTT
Enabled - Home Assistant legacy entity attributes (was previously disabled)
Enabled - Home Assistant legacy triggers

The blueprint now works perfectly. No other changes needed.
Thanks for the tip.


Good afternoon all,

has anyone of you got batteries issues on this 4-button zigbee scene switch?
I have received them recently and I configured them with Deconz (only the single press effective so far, but ok for me), but after one day, all 4 green diodes started flashing rapidly and it was not sending any command.
The documentation being very poor, I can but assume that this rapid flashing could be related to a low battery signal, but I was not expecting it to be out so fast.
Maybe my batteries were old, but before re-starting, has anyone experience this 4-Diodes simultaneous rapid flashing?

Thanks in advance

its a battery low signal. maybe you got a bad battery?


I have this switch and use it with this blueprint and its great but after 2022.7 I have had problems.
The switch works and zigbee2mqtt log shows the keypresses. but may automation is not triggered.

I can get it working again by restarting zigbee2mqtt. everything else on the network works fine . even my 4 button ikea switch…

anyone has the same problem?

i will ask a better place but I assume TS0044 users see this :slight_smile:

BR Andy

see a couple messages up

I did change the settings. This is a new error after 2022.7. Same symptom but happens after a while.

EDIT – got it! somehow i forgot that i changed the blueprint and after the update i copied the automation and got the error i made activated in the new copy- it re reads the blueprint when you copy the automation. useful when you edit blueprints btw

all is good now. thanks. andy

Just to confirm,
this rapid flashing was actually a battery-low signal, and somehow I had a batch of old batteries CR2430 all drained.
I bought a new one and it is fine (after 3 days… I hope it will be fine for 1 ou 2 years…).
Thanks to @Duckshousemacservice

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Trying to use this Blueprint and I get the following error. I am very new to HA and MQTT so any help would be appreciated.

This worked for me, thanks to the person who made this comment and the original Author of the blueprint. You both rock.


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Im pretty sure this is because you ran the actions of the automation via the web interface.

If the switch triggered it you wouldn’t have this.

Same happened to me.


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I’ve been trying to get this device working for months. Thank you so much.

i’ve got this too. It’s annoying. A switch of 18 euro’s, empty in 4 days. Tried several battery brands, but all of them drained in just 4 days. I contacted the seller and they said that i’ve to use the original gateway… yeah right. That will work…

What to do? Throw it away and buy a new one? I don’t trust these things anymore…

Personnally, I have sent back the switches to the seller, claiming they were defective. He was not happy and put a lot of hurdle (questions, dumm, and dummer, just losing time…), finally I got fed up and I raised a claim to Paypal and I got reimbursed.

So I stick to the Aqara switches, not the same design, but working perfectly.