zigbee2MQTT vague Error Messages

Hopefully posting this is in the right place.

I am new to HASS started getting it all going at Christmas.

I built the zigbee2MQTT using all powered devices and have added most of the battery devices and have about 145 devices up and running.

One issue I am trying to resolve is how to resolve errors in the zigbee2MQTT Logs


I get a lot of

Error 2024-01-22 13:52:41 Failed to apply calibration to 'temperature': 'temperature_calibration' is not a number, got string ()`

I have no idea how to fix this except one or more of the devices in zigbee2MQTT has a string based calibration setting.

Is there anyway I can narrow it down at all?

If you search for this :

github 'temperature': 'temperature_calibration'

You get a number of returns that might be useful. Seems you are trying to do some type of temperature calibration via an ā€˜offsetā€™ value on one of your devices?

How are you creating this command for Zigbee2MQTT?

  1. In Zigbee2MQTT web GUI?
  2. via a MQTT message?

JSON values in a MQTT message can be either a string (inside quotes), or a number (no quotes). If this is your path, I think you want no quotes, example : {ā€œtemperatureā€: -3 }

Single vs. Double quotes is another PIA area.

Outside of this, it seems that Xiaomi WSDCGQ11LM devices (at least at one point) did not like decimal values, only integers. Not 1.5, only 2.

Thatā€™s a big mesh (and hopefully not a mess :wink: )

Good hunting!

Thanks that will help.

The error messages are in the zigbee2MQTT logs.

The zigbee2MQTT devices are being controlled, mainly form Node Red as a HASS Add On.

I suspect one of the 145 devices is causing this error report.

It will be narrowed down a little as it has to be a sensor with a Temperature.

I did find some devices when installed (paired) into zigbee2MQTT had default calibration that zigbee2MQTT interpreted as a string- I suspect a space character.

I have not knowingly made any calibration changes yet.

Focused on stabilising the system and getting everything consistent and reliable.

I am just going over Zigbee2mqtt/wifi clashes and making sure no issue there, had done it before but re-checking.

Have noticed a consistent issue following HASS updates, where HASS performs some form of restart following the update and the HASS loses ALL zigbee2MQTT devices.

I am mitigating this consistent issue by forcing a full HASS OS reboot, but will try restarting zigbee2MQTT following a HASS update and see if that resolves it.

I am playing zigbee2MQTT re-pairing wackamole daily.

I built the Zigbee2mqtt network following best practice guides and added all the mains powered Zigbee2mqtt (relays) first about 70% of all devices, then added the battery (end points)

Everything can go stable for a day or two, occasionally and I am convinced it can become stable.

But for the case I raised it would be much much easier if zigbee2MQTT could be more specific in the Errors to simply resolution.

having same issue / problem.

any idea what root cause it might be?

No idea, at some point when there is nothing more urgent I will have to go through each device one at a time.

If only the log gave an indication of what device was causing the issue and not so vagueā€¦

I too was getting these errors. I didnā€™t fancy going through all the devices I had in the UI so I opened the devices.yaml file in the Zigbee2Mqtt folder and noticed a few of these:

temperature_calibration: ' '

device_temperature_calibration: ' '

I deleted all of those and not had the errors since


As part of another issue I am experiencing with Home Assistant run zigbee2MQTT where every 5- 7 days it drops all zigbee devices, I have moved all bulbs and motion sensors off zigbee2MQTT and onto hue hubs.

That seems to have fixed the issue, so suspect something to do with the lights/sensors I moved :slight_smile: