Zigbee2Mqtt with Mosca MQTT Server


Is here anybody who succesfully connected zigbee2mqtt with MQTT broker on node-red (mosca) ?
I have some problems with it. In the logs i constantly see:
zigbee2mqtt:error 8/12/2019, 9:30:40 PM Not connected to MQTT server!
zigbee2mqtt:error 8/12/2019, 9:30:49 PM Not connected to MQTT server!

Config on zigbee2mqtt side is:

  "mqtt": {
    "base_topic": "zigbee2mqtt",
    "server": "",
    "user": "XXX",
    "password": "YYY"

I will be gratefull for any help, I dont want to migrate to mosquito if this wont be necessary

Whats the log for the MQTT (mosca) broker around the same time?

Can you connect to the broker with other clients?

yeah, I can connect with MQTT.fx to the broker with the same user and pass

I’m not sure how to check logs from mosca side in node-red,
the “mosca in node” doesn’t show any new topic in debug

ok i got this :slight_smile:
server config should look like this

  "mqtt": {
    "base_topic": "zigbee2mqtt",
    "server": "mqtt://",

I don’t know the mosca broker.
I was hoping that log could perhaps shed some light.
The error has not revealed its self with the given information.

Edit: Happy you found the answer. Yes. I should of checked how my config looked in comparison.