Zigbee2MQTT with Philips Hue bulbs. Bulbs don't work as Zigbee network extenders

I bought 6 Philips Hue bulbs. 3 of them are installed near my USB Zigbee stick and 3 other bulbs are further away like this:
USB Zigbee stick -------- First 3 bulbs (lamps zithoek) ---------- Other 3 bulbs (lamps keuken)
I read that the Philips Hue bulbs extend the Zigbee network so I suspected that the ‘Other 3 bulbs’ from ‘keuken’ are connected through the ‘First 3 bulbs’ from ‘zithoek’ to the USB Zigbee stick.
The Zigbee2MQTT has a map feature to display the communication:

The ‘Other 3 bulbs’ (lamps keuken) are working fine but:
1/ I don’t see any communication line between these bulbs and other Zigbee items
2/ There signal is very weak while the ‘First 3 bulbs’ are just inbetween the USB Zigbee stick and the ‘3 other bulbs’

Has this to do with configuration?
Any help will be appreciated!

Click the “isParent” box.

Thanks for your input but the result is the same:

I have to read and understand the meaning of these options but for now as you see it gives the same result

Are you sure the three apparently unconnected bulbs are switched on at the wall?

All 6 bulbs are powered. At the time when I took the maps screenshot the ‘connected’ bulbs were ‘off’ and the ‘unconnected’ bulbs were ‘on’ with 10% illumination, so this can’t be the problem. Thanks anyway for your idea

Tick all of the boxes, there will be some kind of connection. Also as it is a ‘mesh’ network the types and links of these connections will change over time as the devices become aware of each other, their various signal strengths, interference etc

The other thing to do is ignore the darn map. If it is working, leave it alone!

The above is very difficult to read, even it contains only 6 bulbs!
It works but I just wanted to know it the bulbs works as Zigbee extender…

Any idea where I can find a description for the 4 options on top? Just curiosity :wink:

The bulbs are blue which means they are seen by z2m as routers.

Whether they work as routers depends, it seems, on the device connecting, and luck.

Yes, you can see from the image that lamp_krueken_midden is getting fed information via lamp_zitboek_tafel.

I think the boxes are general zigbee terms for just what priority each device is to its neighbours at any point in time.

The options derive from the relationship field from the neighbor table, e.g. see table 2.130 on page 173 of the specification https://zigbeealliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/docs-05-3474-21-0csg-zigbee-specification.pdf

No idea what ‘None of the above’ means as the specification doesn’t mention it.