Since an update (I don’t know if it’s HA update or plugin update), there is no more link between zigbee entitites and the message "“MAP NOT AVAILABLE YET - REFRESH TO SEE SOMETHING.” is always shown.

Have you an idea of the problem?

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Using HA 0.115.2, Zigbee2mqttAssistant 0.3.157 and Zigbee2Mqtt 1.14.4, I still get a network map.

Home Assistant 0.115.2
zigbee2mqttassistant 0.3.157

Entities are present. Everything works but no map.

What could be the problem?

The only difference I see : you run the zigbee2mqtt add-on, I run zigbee2mqtt on a separate Pi on bare metal.

zigbee2mqttassistant logs may help:

warn: Zigbee2MqttAssistant.Services.MqttConnectionService[0]
      Another network scan request already in progress.
warn: Zigbee2MqttAssistant.Services.MqttConnectionService[0]
      Another network scan request already in progress.
warn: Zigbee2MqttAssistant.Services.MqttConnectionService[0]
      Another network scan request already in progress.
warn: Zigbee2MqttAssistant.Services.MqttConnectionService[0]
      Another network scan request already in progress.
warn: Zigbee2MqttAssistant.Services.MqttConnectionService[0]
      Another network scan request already in progress.
warn: Zigbee2MqttAssistant.Services.MqttConnectionService[0]
      Another network scan request already in progress.
warn: Zigbee2MqttAssistant.Services.MqttConnectionService[0]
      Another network scan request already in progress.
warn: Zigbee2MqttAssistant.Services.MqttConnectionService[0]
      Another network scan request already in progress.
warn: Zigbee2MqttAssistant.Services.MqttConnectionService[0]
      Another network scan request already in progress.

You could try zigbee2mqtt-edge with the integrated Frontend and see if that works.

I stopped the raspberry, changed the USB port for the cc2531and i got back the map.

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