Zigbee2Tasmota - can't operate smart curtain switch


I have successfully installed two QS-Zigbee-S10-C04 curtain switches and paired them to Zigbee2Tasmota. When operating the curtains manually (through the physical button on my wall), I can see that that they report:

tele/tasmota_7ECADF/7C1D/SENSOR = {"ZbReceived":{"Device":"0x7C1D", "CurrentPositionLIftPercentage":20, "Endpoint":1, "LinkQuality":80}}

Pressing the physical button on the smart switch itself also works correctly (triggers the up/down/stop position of the blinds). However I cannot find the right command to use with ZbSend through Zigbee2Tasmota. Can anyone help with that?

Tried sending commands such as the following"

ZbSend{"Device":"0x7C1D", "send":{"power":1}
ZbSend{"Device":"0x7C1D", "send":{"power":2}
ZbSend{"Device":"0x7C1D", "send":{"power":0}

and then I get:


and the blinds do not move…

What should I do so that I can control those? P.S. I am able to successfully operate (control/read) other devices through the same Zigbee2Tasmota - switches and sensors. I just don’t know what’s the right command - (“power”, “tuyamovingstate”, “state”… etc.) format for this particular smart curtain switch. Tried multiple, nothing works.