Zipato / benext mini tag reader integration with zwavejs on home assistant os

As a new user to home assistant, coming from domoticz, i am trying to integrate my benext tagreader. All works fine up to the point i try to get tag codes and use them in automations.
In domoticz there is a simple teach-in function to map tag codes.
How does this work for home assistant os with zwavejs/zwave ui in 2023?
Last related posts are a few years back and look like huge workarounds to get it done with docker zwavejs2mqtt (Basic Home Alarm Setup with Zipato Keypad). Are there new integrations that make this job simple?

After getting a bit used to home assistant, it appears to be pretty simple to configure.
In the developer tools, it is possible to listen to events. Wildcard “*” in the filter field will give all events. Then the event for mode changes of the tagreader will show up if the tag-reader is already configured for the RFID tags and recognized as valid.
This event can be caught in an automation using the “manual event” which can search for specific matching text in the event log. Just type in the parts that must match and filter sufficient to a single event.
From this point on the registration of tags can be accomplished by sending the registration command to the tagreader. Once registered the above way forward.