Zipato Bulb 2 RGBW - will not factory reset!

I guess not HA strictly, but will be once I get it into pairing; I’ve tried factory resetting this bulb with no success. I have successfully managed all 36 other devices (some of which are quite obscure), but this just will not reset. Procedure followed - off->on 0.5-2s 6 times. Should blink twice after 6th switch. Nothing.

It was previously included on a now defunct Vera Edge, so I know it works…


Is there a specific reason to do a factory reset? You can just exclude it (from any controller) and re-include.

The vera edge is now an ex-controller having been factory reset itself…

You can exclude it using HA.

Ok, nice. How? Never used zigbee before. Zwave requires it to eb in the system to exlude/remove…


Click the “Remove” button in the integration configuration and follow the device-specific procedure described in its manual, usually some kind of button press.