Zipato z-wave bulbs

I have 2 of these, showing the same (unexpected?) behavior :

I switch them off, log shows :

FlurDecke turned off triggered by service light.turn_off

I switch them on, log shows :

FlurDecke turned on
09:56:20 - 7 minutes ago
FlurDecke turned off triggered by service light.turn_off
09:56:05 - 7 minutes ago - Wolfgang
FlurDecke turned on triggered by service light.turn_on
09:55:50 - 7 minutes ago - Wolfgang
  1. question :
    Why do I see both type of commands, ‘service light.turn_on’ and ‘turn on’
    I would expect to see ‘FlurDecke turn on’ and ‘FlurDecke turn off’, nothing else.

  2. How can I follow up on this ?