Zmodo Cloud (non-NVR)

I want to post my journey that I went through in order to get my Zmodo cameras working. I have two Zmodo SD-H2001 cameras and wanted to integrate them into Home Assistant (HA).

Logging in and cookies

The first step was to log into Zmodo’s web frontend. You have to input a username, password, and solve a 4 digit captcha. Once you log in, you receive a “cookie” that contains tokenid. This is what drives everything and is needed for every subsequent api call. It is in this format: tokenid=9887d3867411142bc34f510d2e76fd5c. On the webpage, once every 5 minutes, an ajax request is sent to the refresh api endpoint “” which needs two inputs in order to work:

  • The cookie you are using tokenid=9887d3867411142bc34f510d2e76fd5c
  • One URL parameter tokenid and you guessed it, is the same as the cookie’s tokenid value.

I created a simple bash script and use crontab to run it every 10 minutes:


# Cookie
curl -X GET \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -b "tokenid=$COOKIE" \
     $REFRESH > /dev/null 2>&1

exit 0

Device list

The next step was to get a list of my devices (because I have more than one). To find your devices, make a GET request to “” making sure to pass in your same cookie header. From what I know, the relevant fields that you need are: physical_id, aes_key, name.

Messages or alerts

There is also an api endpoint for message and/or alerts which can be queried by making a GET request to “” and once again passing in your cookie header.

Streaming video

This particular camera has two streaming modes: LD and HD. LD is low definition. HD is high definition. The URL two access the live stream has this format:

devid = device’s physical_id. token = cookie value. media_type: use 1 for LD and 2 for HD. channel: for me it was always 0, but for you it might be different. aes_key = device’s aes_key. has_audio = 1. cid = 0 (but I do not know what this is). The full URL should look something like “”.

This is the URL that you can use in HA once you have setup your cronjob so save it for later. NOTE: I tried to use this endpoint in VLC Player, but it wouldn’t work… so don’t go down that rabbit hole like I did.

Setting up the camera in HA

For some reason, in my current setup, when I add a “generic camera” entry, HA crashes. This is my problem to solve someday, but not right now. So, I had to manually add my two cameras into my configuration.yaml file like this:

  - platform: ffmpeg
    name: Zmodo Cam 1 HD
    input: ""
  - platform: ffmpeg
    name: Zmodo Cam 2 HD
    input: ""

Messages to be used in automations

This part is hard and it isn’t 100% working yet, but I want to include it for completeness sake and maybe someone can help me out?

First you need a HA authorization token. You can use an existing one or create a new one on the Security tab of your Profile (http://homeassistant.local:8123/profile/security).

Next, you need a working MQTT broker, but I won’t cover that here in this post.

Finally, create another bash script and call it every minute through crontab. NOTE: This script uses curl and jq so be sure those packages are installed before running the script!


# Cookie
# Home Assistant Base URL
# Home Assistant Token
# Query Time (AKA filter down the number of messages that have happened since now minus X seconds)

JSON_RAW=$(curl -X GET \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -b "tokenid=$COOKIE" \
EPOCHNOW=$(date +%s)
# Filter raw query down to only messages from the last hour
JSON_FILT_TIME=$(echo $JSON_RAW | jq -c --arg jtime $EPOCH '.data[] | select(.alarm_time > $jtime)')

if [[ "$JSON_FILT_TIME" == "" ]]
# You will have to change this line to match your camera(s)
JSON_FILT_TIME=$'{"device_name": "Cam 1", "alarm_time": "", "image": "", "video": ""}\n{"device_name": "Cam 2", "alarm_time": "", "image": "", "video": ""}'

# For each message we find, post data to HA
echo "$JSON_FILT_TIME" | while IFS=$'\n' read item; do
  device=$(jq -r '.device_name' <<< "$item")
  echo $device
  alarm=$(jq -r '.alarm_time' <<< "$item")
  image=$(jq -r '.image' <<< "$item")
  video=$(jq -r '.video' <<< "$item")
  if [[ "$image" != "" ]]
  curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
       -H "Authorization: Bearer $HA_TOKEN" \
       -d '{"payload": "'"$image"'", "topic": "homeassistant/sensor/'"$device"'/image", "retain": "True"}' \
       $HA_URL/api/services/mqtt/publish > /dev/null 2>&1
  if [[ "$video" != "" ]]
  curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
       -H "Authorization: Bearer $HA_TOKEN" \
       -d '{"payload": "'"$video"'", "topic": "homeassistant/sensor/'"$device"'/video", "retain": "True"}' \
       $HA_URL/api/services/mqtt/publish > /dev/null 2>&1
  curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
       -H "Authorization: Bearer $HA_TOKEN" \
       -d '{"payload": "'"$alarm"'", "topic": "homeassistant/sensor/'"$device"'/motion", "retain": "True"}' \
       $HA_URL/api/services/mqtt/publish > /dev/null 2>&1
exit 0

Add the MQTT sensors

Again, for whatever reason my auto-discovery isn’t working and isn’t pulling my new entries into the MQTT integration automatically. I COULD USE SOME HELP HERE PLEASE.

I had to manually add three sensors for each device into my configuration.yaml file. I will only show the setup for one device.

    - name: Zmodo Cam 1 Last Motion
      state_topic: "homeassistant/sensor/Cam 1/motion"
      device_class: timestamp
      value_template: '{{ as_datetime(value) }}'
    - name: Zmodo Cam 1 Video
      state_topic: "homeassistant/sensor/Cam 1/video"
      value_template: '{{ value }}'
    - name: Zmodo Cam 1 Image
      url_topic: "homeassistant/sensor/Cam 1/image"


Add a card for the cameras

This is the same way how you configure all other camera devices. I elected to use a “Vertical Stack Card” and add my two cameras as “Picture glance” cards.

Yes, I did pixelate the image. No the quality of the camera is not bad and is quite good.


I created two automations one for each camera. Basically, send a notification to my iPhone with the image data.

alias: Zmodo Cam 1 Push Notify
description: Motion detected
  - trigger: state
      - sensor.zmodo_cam_1_last_motion
    from: unknown
conditions: []
  - action: notify.mobile_app_iamdoubz_iphone
    metadata: {}
      title: Living Room
      message: Motion detected!
        image: /api/image_proxy/image.zmodo_cam_1_image
mode: single

What doesn’t work

  • I cannot for the life of me get the message video to play
    • Meaning, the URL that Zmodo creates for the motion notification
    • You could easily just create a FFMPEG recording and use that data…
  • Message script is probably incomplete and prone to errors but I did my best

Future work

  • Dynamic adding through MQTT
  • Probably do a true integration OR
  • Create a manual integration most likely using golang
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See this post about getting video to work: