Zone false entry triggers

I’ve got my home detection working 99.9% of the time. Been struggling with the last .1% and I think I’ve hit on at least part of the problem. I’m seeing things like this in the log from time to time.

In the companion app I’ve got:
Background Location: Enabled
Minimum Accuracy: 200
Location Set: Exact
High Accuracy mode: Disabled

The leaving home and returning at the same second makes my automations fail.

I’ve changed the mode on my automations to queued and that helped a lot but my garage door gets very confused when this happens. So, I’d like to figure out a way to mitigate this issue. I’ve had an on again off again relationship with HA but I’m trying :slight_smile:

Any help is much appreciated.

Tunnel vision can get us lost. Looking only at the zone state is not enough.

Look at the device history too. Unknown and unavailable of those will cause the zone state to change. Need the full picture.

Thanks for replying so quickly!

I’m not sure what you’re asking for…Does this help?

Yeah. That does show that as your zone state (count at home) changes, your phone changes to or from home in cadence.

Something is going on there. I am not seeing unavailable or unknown.

Is your home zone real tight? Meaning small?

Radius is 215 … not sure of the units.

I am radius of 100. So I don’t think that is your issue. It is not like your phone thinks it is leaving the area.

Units are based on your system settings. Match similar size to this and see. If you are very small, your phone could think it is leaving/entering the zone. BTW, I am in the US.

Yes, it is 9pm and I drink. So the marks are just what they are :slight_smile:

I’m also in the U.S.

Too many street names to post a picture…

It’s 11pm here and it’s been a long day…thanks for thinking about this. I’ll check back in the morning.

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Yeah … country living is awesome :slight_smile: No neighbors.

We can look more. Hopefully someone else will come in with an answer!

We just moved (2 yrs ago) into the city. Country life has it’s perks but I’m getting into condo living. My favorite phrase is ‘We have people for that!’.

One interesting thing is that HA reports the zone activity at the same second. That leads me to believe that it’s not an issue of being at the edge of the zone. Thoughts?

I’d be fine with a 10 second timer on entering/exiting a zone but zones don’t seem to support that. I could implement my own timers but I’d need 14 of them to cover my zones.

What you are seeing is normal for GPS where satellite signals sometimes gets blocked.
Triple layered windows and electromagnetic noise are common causes.
This interference sometimes cause the number of detected satellite signals to drop so low that the precision is severely affected and then you suddenly move in and out of your zones.

It is adviced to use extra layers of detection to counter these effects, like SSID detection, ARP lookups, pings and so on.

I think I’ll mess around with the minimum accuracy setting and high accuracy mode. Sounds more straightforward. I doubt GPS signal disruption is my problem. We’ll see…I’ll post back in a couple days.

So, it happened again. Got some more data this time.

I’ll try and figure out how to upload the logs from the companion app but when I look at it, it says:
11:31:50 sent location with accuracy 11
11:32:40 Zone exited
11:32:40 sent location with accuracy 11
11:32:40 High accuracy mode, sent location with accuracy 12
11:32:42 High accuracy mode, sent location with accuracy 12

This doesn’t show any GPS disruptions, nor does it show the zone being re-entered.
Here’s the relevant part of the Location Tracking log file:

Does the server do its own zone detection? If so, how do I turn it off?

Actually the change in accuracy numbers and the switch from and to high accuracy mode is the signs of some satellites being lost.

Not sure I agree with that but the thing that sticks out to me is the server detected zone changes that my phone did not report. That implies that the server is doing zone calculations that I’d like to turn off … or there’s a bug somewhere.

The switch to high accuracy mode is due to settings changes made by me to try and make this issue go away.

As you can see from official side now, the GPS can and will be blocked.
They list among other things buildings, bridges and trees.
Building and bridges often contains large amount of metal and metal reflect the signal.
Trees on the other hand absorb the signal, because they have a lot of liquid/water in them.

Another thing that have a lot of liquid /water is something that is often very close to a cell phone, your body.

Yes, I’ve read this before. Don’t think it’s relevant to this situation.

I mean, how does lower GPS accuracy explain the zone entry/exit discrepancies between the server logs and the companion app location tracking log?