Did you trigger you automation manually? If yes, see the FAQ in the initial post.
No, they are already filled with defaults.
Here in the thread is an example for this. You can simply add a custom action and copy the notification text into the fields of the alexa service call.
This is the way I managed to notifiy via Amazon Alexa devices/service.
I start with raising the volume for all devices, then shout out the notification finishing with lowering the volume for all devices.
Excerpt for one device…
- service: media_player.volume_set
volume_level: 0.85
entity_id: media_player.gesamt
- delay: "00:00:03"
- service: notify.alexa_media_arbeitszimmer
metadata: {}
message: >-
<prosody volume="+6dB">Das Tor geht gleich auf! Sind alle Hunde im
Haus? </prosody>
title: Achtung!
- delay: "00:00:03"
- service: media_player.volume_set
entity_id: media_player.gesamt
volume_level: 0.4
Just to check, the “x minutes before notification fires off”, this is doing these two things (assume x = 2 mins):
1, Person arrives at zone, is in zone for 2 minutes. “Arrive” notification sent
2, Person leaves a zone, once they have left and stay gone for 2 mins, “left” notification sent.
What happens if someone is just driving through the zone?
Seems like 1 would not trigger, but 2 would. Unless the logic for 2 is only trigger leaving notification once person has BEEN in the zone for 2 mins and then leaves. Is this possible?
I think this needs a little more digging, but it seems difficult to me since automations are stateless and only operates with the current and maybe last state of an entity.
What it needs is the duration between the over last and the last state (not current one) and imho there is no way described to get these information.
I’d setup some sql sensors in my setup but not for that purpose.
Really like the Zone Notifications Extended Blueprint!
Is it possible to make finer steps in Duration? I have experienced WiFi glitches that trigger a zone automation, but only last a short time. There are some correct zone changes that open my garage door for instance that 1 minute could be longer than desired. Maybe 30 sec steps for Durations?
I’ve got basic notifications set up for entering/leaving a zone. I wanted to add a button for viewing my map for each notification but I cant get this working.
Hello, I’ve been trying to diagnose a issue, it’s not working for my ios device, but on Android is working. All type of notifications are enabled in the settings, tried using the notify group and also selected the device to be notified in the ui. Other integrations can send messages to the same device.
I remember iOS notification had this issue when the tag wasn’t set. (I may need to find a default. For android it works flawlessly) Could you test it out? You also can trigger the automation just for your iOS device and share the trace log with me.
I may not have understood your response, but I reloaded the Extended Blueprint (shows version 3.5.2) but the slider is still 1 min steps. I thought I would see a duration to specify min, sec etc.
Should I be doing something different to get the 30 sec duration?
Could you give an example on how you should do that inside the UI or YAML-code?
I can’t seem to grasp it, and would like to experiment with this…
If user is in a zone for 30 sec => Notification "{{user}} arrived at zone {{zone}};
If user !== in a zone for 30 sec => Notification “{{user}} passed through {{zone}}”
If user left the zone after more than 30 sec => "{{user}} left zone {{zone}} "
Could you please give me some directions, or give a hand in this?