Zone State Incorrect

I have 2 zones. Home and another zone (Desert Mountain - DM) roughly centered at Home with a larger radius.

I also have 2 phones. SM-S921U (Android) going through Nabucasa Cloud and another SM-G950U (Android) working locally through VPN at my home.

I was testing for latency in Cloud by driving from home to outside Desert Mountain Zone with both phones in the car. Then looking at timing for Home to DM and DM to Away (not in either zone) transitions.

Looking at the state of both Home and DM zones, I could see the Home Zone going from 2 to 1 to 0 as the two phones transitioned at different times. However, the DM zone stays at 1 while there is clearly overlap of the two phones. I am including pictures of the 2 phones and the State of the zones, one above the other for the time they cross Home->DM and DM->Away. The Home 2-1-0 looks consistent with the timing of the phones.

Attributes of the zones are person. and person.. Each person is defined as device_tracker.sm_s921u and .sm_g959u.

Not sure what other info is needed, but this seem incorrect to me.

Thanks for any help.