Zoneminder error

This here is my Zoneminder section in configuration.yaml:

Zoneminder entry

path: /zm/
path_zms: /zm/cgi-bin/nph-zms
ssl: False
username: admin
password: password

But HASS didn’t start well and the log told me this message:

expected <block end>, but found '<block mapping start>'
  in "/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml", line 86, column 3

I can’t see any error.

Please highlight all your code and press the </> option in the message toolbar so that we can see your code properly formatted. Spacing matters in yaml.

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Possibly the second “/” on your “path:” line?

The example in the doc has /zm/ though ?
But both path and path_zms are not necessary as set to the default values.

Your configuration could be only :

    username: admin
    password: password

Maybe it’s the password if it has some special char, try to protect it ‘password’.

Sorry, was not in a place where I had access to my config file before. Here is mine (so I guess it is /zm/):

  host: !secret camera_server
  path: /zm/
  ssl: False
  username: !secret camera_serveruid
  password: !secret camera_serverpw

Do you use a special port? For instance, my ZM is setup for ‘’ rather than a typical ‘:80’. Are they on the same subnet or vlan? Could there be anything in your router blocking it? Can you remote or sign in to ZM from the device running HASS?