Zoneminder Event Server Notification Anouncments

This is my automation, it announced when zmeventnotification detects something or someone.

- id: '1603752449417'
  alias: Zoneminder Advertises
  description: ''
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: zoneminder/1
  condition: []
  - service: tts.google_translate_say
    entity_id: media_player.cozinha
      message: Frontal camera detected {{trigger.payload_json.detection.0.label}}
  mode: queued
  max: 10

the mqtt message is something like this

'{"name":"Frontal:(1584) [a] detected:person:52%  Motion Entrada","hookvalue":"0","state":"alarm","detection":[{"confidence":"99.11%","box":[6,226,316,456],"label":"car","type":"object"},{"type":"object","label":"person","box":[265,565,427,677],"confidence":"52.37%"}],"monitor":"1","eventtype":"event_start","eventid":"1584"}'

Note that trigger.payload_json.detection is an array. At my automation, I am only announcing the first object. How can I iterate over the array to announce all the objects?

Can you make the message a template or use a template sensor to generate the text?

Use date_template rather than data and make the message a JINJA statement, e.g.

- id: motion_detected_person_speak
  alias: motion_detected_person_speak
  description: 'Speak then person detected'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.motion_detected_person_when
    condition: template
    value_template: >
      {{ is_state('input_boolean.motion_detected_person_notify','on') }}
    - service: tts.google_translate_say
      entity_id: media_player.default
        mode: queued
        max: 10
        message: >-
          Detected {{ states('sensor.motion_detected_person_count') }} person(s)
          from {{ states('sensor.motion_detected_person_camera') }}

Thanks @dcmartin, I am using templates. My final code looks like this, case somebody needs to do similar stuff.

- alias: Zoneminder Announces Camera Detections
  description: ''
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: zoneminder/#
  - service: tts.google_translate_say
    entity_id: media_player.cozinha
      message: >
        {% set monitor_names={"1": "Frontal", "3": "Backyard"}  %}
        {{ monitor_names[trigger.payload_json.monitor] }} camera detected {{ trigger.payload_json.detection|map(attribute='label')|join(', ') }}
  mode: queued
  max: 10

- alias: Zoneminder Notify Camera Detections
  description: ''
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: zoneminder/#
  condition: []
  - service: notify.telegram
      message: >
        {% set monitor_names={"1": "Frontal", "3": "Backyard"}  %}
        {{ monitor_names[trigger.payload_json.monitor] }} camera detected {{ trigger.payload_json.detection|map(attribute='label')|join(', ') }}
  mode: queued
  max: 10

I’ve been struggling with ZM for a time now… But you lite snippet of code did my day!
Big thanks for posting this!

{{ trigger.payload_json.detection|map(attribute='label')|join(', ') }}

Screenshot 2021-01-03 212639

Happy to know, @Minglarn. I am curious, what your automation is all about? The picture caught me…

Well, frankly it started with just an idea…
I’ve object detection running on all of my 9 cams.
But 4 off them are facing the road and the entrance of my house.
I do get notifications with the info from pushover with the same image as shown on my dashboard.

I was searching for a way to let HA know WHO and WHAT made my cameras trigger a motion.
Let’s say that my entrance cam reconices my son at the entrance door, well i’ll get a notification that my son is home (i know you can do this with other solutions (like Life360), but on iOS they are hard to keep running).

I just wanted to show the latest known object frames from each camera to be shown on the dashboard, and upon detected object do an action.

Hey Minglarn can you share the code?, i want something like that.