Zonneplan ONE custom component

I encountered another issue, not high priority, maybe you can look at this when you got time for it. Thx in advance.

This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.zonneplan_one.coordinator
Source: custom_components/zonneplan_one/coordinator.py:116
Integration: Zonneplan ONE (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 23:06:29 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 23:06:29

Could not find highest_measured_power_value of pv_installation.0.meta.highest_measured_power_value
Could not find highest_power_measured_at of pv_installation.0.meta.highest_power_measured_at

This issue is dissolved. Thx!

yes, indeed. should be €/kWh. I just pushed a fix for that.

Could be that you now need to “update” the statistics because of the unit change. Go to Link to Developer Tools: Statistics – My Home Assistant

This seems to be working correctly. Thanks.
Another request; could you also retrieve the price for gas? I think it should have a unit of measure €/M3.
The price for gas changes once a day, so not per hour like the energy.

Please check the new release

Installed the new version and it works! Thanks a lot again.
Now I have a complete energy monitor including all cost components.

Any way to create a sensor to keep track of the total production during 1 year, or reset the date of the yield_total sensor?

You can use the Utility Meter - Home Assistant to create a year sensor

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Hi minifranske,

The integration is working fine and reliable for a longer period of time now!
Is there a possibily to integrate the ‘stroomoverschot’ value? This is presented in the app but cannot find it in the integration right now.

EDIT: I think it is already in the integration if I calculate the difference between Consumtion and Average. The average value is negative whenever there is more production then consumption. Consumption is 0 when there is overproduction. So the difference between those 2 should be the ‘overschot’!

Ik ben op zoek naar de API van de app om middels scripting dagtotalen automatisch te loggen . Nu heb ik de HA component van github gedownload en probeer middels ‘reverse engineering’ de API te achterhalen :slight_smile:

Is het ook mogelijk dat je mij deze info (rechtstreeks) mailt ?

Groet, John

Hi @minifranske

Am happily using your Zonneplan integration for a few weeks now. It works like a charm. I have a question now: is it possible to use the sensor.zonneplan_p1_electricity_production sensor in the Energy Dashboard? I want to see how much electricity we are delevering to the grid on an hourly basis. I don’t see the mentioned sensor when configuring the Energy Dashboard. In your opening post I also see no mention of it being usable in the ED. Is there a reason for it?

If it’s not possible, another solution could be my own sensor. I still have a Raspberry Pi also connected to the p1 port through a splitter together with the Zonneplan Connect. This script sends the delivered energy to the grid in my MQTT server, both the “live” measurement in Watts and the alltime total deliverd back for high and low tariff in kWh. Which of these measurements should I use for the ED and how do I configure them to be usable in the Energy Dashboard?

Thank you again for this really cool integration!

Did you see the notes in the readme? https://github.com/fsaris/home-assistant-zonneplan-one#setup-energy-dashboard

No, hadn’t seen that. Thanks.

Had to alter the configuration lines a bit before being accepted by HA version 2022.7.3. It’s now:

  - platform: integration
    source: sensor.zonneplan_p1_electricity_production
    name: "Zonneplan P1 electricity production kWh"
    unit: kWh
    unit_prefix: k
    round: 2

Unfortunately I couldn’t add a new sensor to the Energy Dashboard. Only saw the already existing ones. Am I forgetting something?

I use the same but without unit: kWh that should give you an new sensor to select on the energy settings

I’m using the integration, however the forecast entities do not have any data. Is this a known issue or is there something wrong with my installation? I would really like to automate the usage of some devices, since I’m using dynamic energy prices.

Hi All,

is there a(n) (easy) step-by-step installation/configuration manual for the Zonneplan component integration?


Did you check the installation instructions in the readme?

That should get you started

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Did you enable the sensors? They are disabled by default

shame on me!. You are right, this is a case of read the f… manual.