Zonneplan ONE custom component

I created a custom component that uses the API of the Zonneplan ONE mobile app to fetch “live” data and make it visible in HomeAssistant.

Current features:

  • Support for Zonneplan ONE + Connect
  • Zonneplan ONE (Solar inverter) sensors:
    • Highest yield value: W (default disabled)
    • Highest yield: date (default disabled)
    • Yield total: kWh (can be used as entity on Energy Dashboard)
    • Yield today: kWh (can be used as entity on Energy Dashboard)
    • First measured: date (default disabled)
    • Last measured value: W
    • Last measured: date
  • Zonneplan Connect (P1 reader) sensors: (when available)
    • Electricity today: kWh (can be used as entity on Energy Dashboard)
    • Electricity today low tariff: kWh (can be used as entity on Energy Dashboard, default disabled)
    • Electricity today normal tariff: kWh (can be used as entity on Energy Dashboard, default disabled)
    • Electricity today high tariff: kWh (can be used as entity on Energy Dashboard, default disabled)
    • Electricity consumption: W
    • Electricity production: W
    • Electricity average: W (average use over the last 5min)
    • Electricity first measured: date (default disabled)
    • Electricity last measured: date
    • Electricity last measured production: date
    • Gas consumption today:
    • Gas last measured consumption:
    • Gas first measured: date (default disabled)
    • Gas last measured: date

You can easily add it to your install adding https://github.com/fsaris/home-assistant-zonneplan-one as custom repo to HACS.

After that go to Configuration => Integrations and search for Zonneplan ONE see https://github.com/fsaris/home-assistant-zonneplan-one#setup

Hope this is useful for others as well :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot. Was just looking into this. Works like a charm. :grinning:


This morning I found out that the “Zonneplan One” was added to HACS. :partying_face:

Since july 2020 I have 12 solar panels and the Zonneplan One. First I was searching for a way to connect to it trough modbus. That led to nothing.

So today I installed your custum component.
And just like adding it to my phone, it was very easy to configure.

Thank you for creating this missing component.
It works fine!

:muscle: :ok_hand: :+1:

Your welcome :slight_smile:

The modbus approach is also on my list. As I have 2 strings of panels I would like to see the difference between set 1 and 2. But this was easier for now :wink:

Nice component. Since last week installation finished and component available! Thx.

I saw that the service guy from Zonneplan has an advanced app on his tablet and can see much more. Also the usage of the two strings, voltage, status etc. Maybe this is also an option for you?

Is it on your list to connect also to the Zonneplan P1 meter?

Okay, just found out that’s there is also a component that uses the modbus approach to communicate with the inverter

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I saw that the service guy from Zonneplan has an advanced app on his tablet and can see much more. Also the usage of the two strings, voltage, status etc. Maybe this is also an option for you?

Not sure if zonneplan allows users as us to access that data :slight_smile: didn’t find it in the calls the zonneplan app does.

Is it on your list to connect also to the Zonneplan P1 meter?

Is this data also visible in the Zonneplan app?

Okay, just found out that’s there is also a component that uses the modbus approach to communicate with the inverter


Thanks, minifrankske for sharing,
It looks prommising!
I will try this one sometime in the coming weeks.

If I do, I will let you know.

Yesterday I recieved a CSE-H55N2 RS4785 Ethernet convector.

My knowledge of MODbus is minimal. I see it a lot in my work as service technician HVAC. But that is when it works! And than I just reading things out in the building management systems.

But now I wanted to learn more about MODbus so I tried to connect my Zonneplan SAJ R5 inverter trough MODbus.

I have a serial connection as far as I can see, but I suspect that the CSE-H55N2 does not use UART.
Or am I wrong?

how do I determine if this CSE-H55N2 is working for de SAJ?
Is there a another way to set UART?

There is a some minimal data… (sio_rx 38, net_tx-37) from the SAJ R5.
Settings: Serial:RS485,9600,N,8,1,none

Or should I order a another RS485 module to connect lo the LAN?


I’m not that into UART and modbus. But got it working with the module mentioned in the readme and the serial port settings I found there.

I ordered this device: EW11 Wireless Networking Apparaten Modbus Tpc RJ45 RS485

Now I can monitor both strings and the temperature of the inverter :slight_smile:

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Congrats Minifranske,

After some testing I found out I had a wrong module.
Yesterday I recieved this one:

RS485 Seriële Server Communicatie Module Ethernet Seriële Server

And today I have made the RJ45 connector and connected it to HA.
And its working!!

Thanks for the hint!!

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Did an attempt to add the P1 info. You can try it by installing current main version GitHub - fsaris/home-assistant-zonneplan-one: Zonneplan ONE integration for Home Assistant

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Thanks for this, I more or less gave up on retrieving data from my Zonneplan inverter. I currently see one inverter, but I actually have 2 (not two string, two actual inverters). I probably have to dig into this myself, because you will need access to a two-inverter account.

Second thing is that this integration does not show up when trying to add solar to the just released energy dashboard. I did not look into this, but the explanation why this is should be on Expected data source not listed - Home Assistant

If you use the modbus approach, do you then need to remove the 4G Zonneplan dongle?

If you see the 2 converters in the app then the HA integration should also show a device for every inverter.

Keep an eye on Add Support for Long-term Statistics · Issue #6 · fsaris/home-assistant-zonneplan-one · GitHub for the energy management integration.

Nope, there is a second connection to connect the modbus module. Have them also both connected

I see 2 convertors in the app, but just one in Home Assistant. The json coming from the server does include both inverters (and the P1 sensor). From what I understand from the code this is to be expected. In sensor.py the function async_setup_entry loops over all sensor keys and tries to add them. Thus, it will add all sensors in const.py, but always either 0 or 1 time.

It does loop over the connection, but I think there is just one connection containing 2 pv_installation and 1 p1_installation.

If it helps, I can offcourse send the precise json I get from the Zonneplan backend.

If you could send me a PM with a example json I will give it a look.

But sounds that I need to restructure some parts to get it to work

Released a version compatible with the new Energy dashboard


Thx for adding for the new Energy section. Can you also add the P1 Electricity production statistics for returning energy to the grid? For me it is now missing, I can’t select it.