I just noticed that the Zonneplan One integration no longer works. Gives error “Retrying setup: 403, message=‘Forbidden’, url=URL('https://app-api.zonneplan.nl/connections/cf6ef9e2-131b-4d4d-8a3c-7a6cd8b21b56/summary”. Also after new installation of the integration.
I’ve the same error. I tried to reinstall the integration as well. I’ve requested a new app link via mail. No succes.
Enabled the extended log as mentioned here: GitHub - fsaris/home-assistant-zonneplan-one: Unofficial Zonneplan ONE + connect integration for Home Assistant
A lot of info is comming in ( I annonimized a bit ), data seems to be correct:
2022-12-01 20:24:19.362 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.zonneplan_one.coordinator] _async_update_data: start
2022-12-01 20:24:20.694 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.zonneplan_one.api] ZonneplanAPI response header: <CIMultiDictProxy('Date': 'Thu, 01 Dec 2022 19:24:20 GMT', 'Server': 'Apache', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, private', 'X-RateLimit-Limit': '120', 'X-RateLimit-Remaining': '119', 'Vary': 'Authorization,User-Agent', 'Upgrade': 'h2,h2c', 'Connection': 'Upgrade', 'Etag': '"--------------------------------"', 'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked', 'Content-Type': 'application/json')>
2022-12-01 20:24:20.695 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.zonneplan_one.api] ZonneplanAPI response status: 200
2022-12-01 20:24:20.695 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.zonneplan_one.api] ZonneplanAPI response body : {'data': {'user_account': {'initials': '-', 'uuid': '------------------------------------', 'email': '[email protected]', 'first_name': None, 'full_name': '-------', 'is_representative': False, 'intercom_user_hash': {'ios': '----------------------------------------------------------------', 'android': '----------------------------------------------------------------'}, 'intercom_user_data': {'userId': '-------------', 'email': '[email protected]'}}, 'address_groups': [{'uuid': '--------------------', 'connections': [{'uuid': '----------------------------------------', 'ean': '--------------------', 'market_segment': 'electricity', 'contracts': [{'uuid': '--------------------', 'label': 'PV Installatie', 'type': 'pv_installation', 'start_date': '--------------------', 'end_date': '--------------------', 'details': None, 'meta': {'identifier': '--------------------', 'name': 'Zonneplan One omvormer', 'panel_count': --, 'panel_type': None, 'installation_wp': -----, 'panel_wp': ----, 'first_measured_at': '--------------', 'last_measured_at': '2022-12-01T15:35:08.000000Z', 'last_measured_power_value': 0, 'total_power_measured': 5611010, 'sunrise': None, 'sunset': None, 'network': {'name': 'Vodafone', 'status': 'Onbekend', 'color': 'unknown'}, 'sgn_serial_number': '-------------', 'module_firmware_version': '1.1.5r', 'inverter_firmware_version': '3036', 'show_in_contract_screen': False, 'enable_pv_analysis': False}}], 'features': [{'code': '-----', 'label': 'Verbruik'}], 'buttons': []}], 'address': {'zipcode': '---- --', 'street': '--------', 'number': '--', 'addition': '', 'city': '-------', 'sunrise': '2022-12-01T07:22:30.000000Z', 'sunset': '2022-12-01T15:28:16.000000Z'}, 'is_representative': True, 'organization': {'number': --------, 'name': '-------------', 'phone_numbers': ['----------'], 'emails': ['[email protected]'], 'privacy_service_code': '------', 'address': {'zipcode': '---- --', 'street': '-------', 'number': '--', 'addition': '', 'city': '-------', 'sunrise': '2022-12-01T07:22:30.000000Z', 'sunset': '2022-12-01T15:28:16.000000Z'}, 'debtor': None}, 'organization_uuid': '------------------------------'}], 'buttons': []}}
2022-12-01 20:24:20.696 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.zonneplan_one.coordinator] _async_update_data: parse addresses
2022-12-01 20:24:20.696 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.zonneplan_one.coordinator] _async_update_data: fetch live data
2022-12-01 20:24:20.696 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.zonneplan_one.api] fetch: /pv_installation/charts/live
2022-12-01 20:24:20.886 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.zonneplan_one.api] ZonneplanAPI response header: <CIMultiDictProxy('Date': 'Thu, 01 Dec 2022 19:24:20 GMT', 'Server': 'Apache', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, private', 'X-RateLimit-Limit': '120', 'X-RateLimit-Remaining': '118', 'Vary': 'Authorization,User-Agent', 'Etag': '"-----------------------------------"', 'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked', 'Content-Type': 'application/json')>
2022-12-01 20:24:20.887 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.zonneplan_one.api] ZonneplanAPI response status: 200
2022-12-01 20:24:20.887 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.zonneplan_one.api] ZonneplanAPI response body : {'data': [{'group_type': 'normal', 'date': '2022-11-30T23:00:00.000000Z', 'mutable': True, 'type': 'live', 'measurements': [], 'total': ----}]}
2022-12-01 20:24:20.887 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.zonneplan_one.api] fetch: /summary
2022-12-01 20:24:21.406 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.zonneplan_one.api] ZonneplanAPI response header: <CIMultiDictProxy('Date': 'Thu, 01 Dec 2022 19:24:20 GMT', 'Server': 'Apache', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, private', 'X-RateLimit-Limit': '120', 'X-RateLimit-Remaining': '117', 'Vary': 'Authorization,User-Agent', 'Etag': '"-----------------------------------"', 'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked', 'Content-Type': 'application/json')>
2022-12-01 20:24:21.406 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.zonneplan_one.api] ZonneplanAPI response status: 403
2022-12-01 20:24:21.407 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.zonneplan_one.coordinator] Finished fetching zonneplan_one data in 2.044 seconds (success: False)
I just noticed the exact same issue and I contacted Zonneplan about it. They will look into the issue and maybe pick it up next week.
That last data I received was at 30 nov 2022 16:45 CET
The Zonneplan App on my mobile is working fine. It looks like they closed down the API for other access than the official app.
I suggest you contact them and let them know you have this issue.
Contacted Zonneplan today via Instagram and they responded that the site app-api.zonneplan.nl is not maintained by Zonneplan and so they have no clue as to why it stopped working and they can’t do anything about it because it is out of their hands.
They do not provide an external API aside from the official app.
After getting in contact with the author of the custom component, I upgraded HA to 2022.11.5 and the custom component to the lastest “main” version and all started working again.