I have a few Zonoff Mini Zigbee switches and they work like a charm. I use the Zigbee2MQTT integration, but also a standalone Zigbee2MQTT controller on a separate RPi. It was very easy to get all devices up and running in my centralized HA. But I need to add two Zonoff Mini Wifi switches since it is difficult to get good Zigbee coverage in a separate building on my property. And I already have Wifi coverage there.
I don’t want to flash those switches with any other firmware and happily found out there is support for Zonoff Wifi switches with standard firmware in HA. However, it seems like there are a few options to do this. First I found SonoffLAN but I couldn’t discover my switches with this integration. Then I found the eWeLink addon and managed to add my switches to eWeLink in a first step (using a phone app), and the make those available/visible in HA by means of the eWeLink integration. So now it works. But I’m not completely sure if my integration still are dependant on eWeLink cloud or not. There is a remark in the documentation about LAN access is prioritized and if it fails, cloud access will be used. I prefer not beeing dependant on a third party system.
In SonoffLAN you can choose which access you will use or select auto mode, and this sounds nice. But I can’t find my devices with this integration. Documentation is a bit scarce and not fully updated to follow latest HA releases, so it’s not that easy to understand.
Anyone out there using this piece of hardware that can give me some advice?
SonOffLan is working with EweLink App… This integration is getting the switches definitions from the app (at each start of HA if auto or cloud mode)… Lan mode is using those definitions (and keys that you have downloaded bedore) to access the switches locally… but there are a lot of constraints (see the documentation of Sonofflan)… I am using it in auto mode and it is just working fine…
Ok, so if I get you right I you don’t need the eWeLink HA addon? SonoffLAN should be enough if you just add new devices to eWeLink with the phone App (or eWeLink web site).
Correct, I just have the sonofflan add-on… and I update my config via the Ewelink App… That new config is downloaded next time I restart HA at the latest…
Great, I will check when I add my next switch. I would just like to keep it simple, since I don’t plan to use more than a few WiFi devices. eWeLink seems to be an integration of the eWeLink web service beside device integration. More than I need.
Edit: I just discovered I had two different switch entities in my system. One was created by the SonOffLAN integration and the other by the eWeLink addon. For some reason I didn’t notice a switch entity was created when I first tried the SonOffLAN integration. Then I tried the eWeLink addon and this resulted in a new entity representing the same switch. So now I have unstalled the eWeLink addon and just have one switch left. Perfect! Thanks, @browetd for helping out!