Zooz 4-in-1 Multisensor - Convert luminance percentage to lux

I’ve got one of these sensors, and have been disappointed to discover it’s giving light reading as a percentage. I’m wondering if anyone has a helper or template configuration to share that can (accurately!) convert the percentage into a standard unit, such as lux.

Do you actually need the value in lux?
Usually, those sensors are only used to tell “dark” from “bright”, which are pretty much subjective depending on location, perception, …

At the end of the day, it’s above/below a value, which is determined empirically, so lux or % doesn’t really matter.

FWIW, it seems 100% is 50lux, according to ZSE40 4-in-1 Sensor Advanced Settings - Zooz Support Center, which says that 50lux is bright daylight.
That definitely wrong, though, so they probably don’t know themselves :wink:

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According to wikipedia:

All very subjective. I personally would prefer % - for practical purposes it makes things much easier.

I would like the value in lux so I can have a consistent unit for automation, graphing and comparison purposes, rather than special-casing an area/sensor that is using an arbitrary scale.
The 50lux == 100% thing on their site is definitely wrong, it doesn’t align with what I get in lux from other rooms with similar brightness.

Is there any documentation on how to set up a conversion if I were to go through the effort of gathering datapoints by comparing with another sensor I could temporarily mount next to this one?

I get you. Unfortunately, every sensor/device exposing illuminance seem to have its own scale, so it is an unreachable goal in my experience…