Zooz 4-in-1 Sensor

Fellow newbie, similar frustrations with Z-wave. So much so I ceased buying Z-wave and recently enjoying some success with MQTT and ‘hacking’ the WiFi modules (e.g., Tead Sonoff’s, ESP 8266 chips).
However, I do have one of these 4-in-1 sensors, the Monoprice variety. It does work well after figuring out the codes.
@freshcoast, thanks for the spreadsheet.

Nothing like RTFMing… following freshcoast’s HA Zwave link (thanks!), I got them all working beautifully. The main issue is that the getting started guide and the documentation don’t really step you through getting this a whole system up and running from scratch. It sort of just gives you the tip. Throw in fact that the platform is moving very quickly and the some of info hasn’t caught up yet or is outdated already. Anyway, using that link I built out this:

>     binary_sensor:
>       - platform: template
>         sensors:
>             server_room_motion:
>                 friendly_name: "Server Room Motion"
>                 device_class: motion
>                 value_template: "{{ is_state('sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_burglar', '8')}}"
>             hallway_motion:
>                 friendly_name: "Hallway Motion"
>                 device_class: motion
>                 value_template: "{{ is_state('sensor.ecolink_motion_detector_burglar', '8')}}"
>             kitchen_motion:
>                 friendly_name: "Kitchen Motion"
>                 device_class: motion
>                 value_template: "{{ is_state('sensor.kaipule_unknown_type_0002_id_0002_burglar', '8')}}"
>             stairs_motion:
>                 friendly_name: "Stairs Motion"
>                 device_class: motion
>                 value_template: "{{ is_state('sensor.kaipule_unknown_type_0002_id_0002_burglar_2', '8')}}"
>             master_bathroom_motion:
>                 friendly_name: "Master Bathroom Motion"
>                 device_class: motion
>                 value_template: "{{ is_state('sensor.zooz_zse40_4_in_1_sensor_burglar', '8')}}"
>             living_room_motion:
>                 friendly_name: "Living Room Motion"
>                 device_class: motion
>                 value_template: "{{ is_state('sensor.zooz_zse40_4_in_1_sensor_burglar_2', '8')}}"
>             master_bedroom_motion:
>                 friendly_name: "Master Bedroom Motion"
>                 device_class: motion
>                 value_template: "{{ is_state('sensor.zooz_zse40_4_in_1_sensor_burglar_3', '8')}}"

Then I used the menu Configuration\Automations to build out the automations based on the motions above… well I had to add a little bit of extra code, but it at least got my syntax correct and is working as designed so far. I still need to work on my conditional stuff for away / day / night / vacation states or modes so.

> - id: '1550632005827'
>   alias: Living Room Lamps Motion ON
>   trigger:
>   - entity_id: binary_sensor.living_room_motion
>     from: 'off'
>     platform: state
>     to: 'on'
>   condition:
>   - condition: zone
>     entity_id: device_tracker.kevins_iphone6s128
>     zone: zone.home
>   action:
>   - entity_id: light.couch_lamp,light.paper_lamp,light.left_sconce,light.right_sconce
>     service: homeassistant.turn_on
> - id: '1550632906180'
>   alias: Hallway Lights Motion ON
>   trigger:
>   - entity_id: binary_sensor.hallway_motion
>     from: 'off'
>     platform: state
>     to: 'on'
>   condition: []
>   action:
>   - entity_id: light.led_bulb_47_3b_4d,light.led_bulb_47_37_8a
>     service: homeassistant.turn_on
> - id: '1550633608966'
>   alias: Lights Midnight OFF
>   trigger:
>   - at: 00:00:00
>     platform: time
>   condition: []
>   action:
>   - entity_id: switch.on_off_outdoor_module_3f_d3_e9,light.lamplinc_dimmer_3a_39_f7
>     service: homeassistant.turn_off
> - id: '1550633611429'
>   alias: Lights Dusk ON
>   trigger:
>   - event: sunset
>     platform: sun
>   condition: []
>   action:
>   - service: homeassistant.turn_on
>     entity_id: switch.on_off_outdoor_module_3f_d3_e9,light.lamplinc_dimmer_3a_39_f7
> - id: '1550633919631'
>   alias: Sputnik Light Motion ON
>   trigger:
>   - entity_id: binary_sensor.kitchen_motion
>     from: 'off'
>     platform: state
>     to: 'on'
>   condition:
>   - condition: zone
>     entity_id: device_tracker.kevins_iphone6s128
>     zone: zone.home
>   action:
>   - entity_id: light.z_wave_products_inc_wd_100_level
>     service: homeassistant.turn_on
> - id: '1550634143365'
>   alias: Stairs Lights Motion ON
>   trigger:
>   - entity_id: binary_sensor.stairs_motion
>     for: '3'
>     from: 'off'
>     platform: state
>     to: 'on'
>   condition:
>   - condition: zone
>     entity_id: device_tracker.kevins_iphone6s128
>     zone: zone.home
>   action:
>   - entity_id: light.led_bulb_47_37_f1,light.led_bulb_47_33_08
>     service: homeassistant.turn_on
> - id: '1550635582689'
>   alias: Master Bedroom Lamps Motion ON
>   trigger:
>   - entity_id: binary_sensor.master_bedroom_motion
>     from: 'off'
>     platform: state
>     to: 'on'
>   condition: []
>   action:
>   - entity_id: light.my_lamp,light.nancys_lamp
>     service: homeassistant.turn_on
> - id: '1550668846957'
>   alias: Master Bathroom Motion ON
>   trigger:
>   - entity_id: binary_sensor.master_bathroom_motion
>     from: 'off'
>     platform: state
>     to: 'on'
>   condition:
>   - condition: zone
>     entity_id: device_tracker.kevins_iphone6s128
>     zone: zone.home
>   action:
>   - entity_id: light.switchlinc_dimmer_42_d6_c2
>     service: homeassistant.turn_on
> - id: '1550689637337'
>   alias: Hallway Lights Motion OFF
>   trigger:
>   - entity_id: binary_sensor.hallway_motion
>     from: 'on'
>     platform: state
>     to: 'off'
>     for:
>        minutes: 5
>   condition: []
>   action:
>   - entity_id: light.led_bulb_47_3b_4d,light.led_bulb_47_37_8a
>     service: homeassistant.turn_off
> - id: '1550689703060'
>   alias: Living Room Lamps Motion OFF
>   trigger:
>   - entity_id: binary_sensor.living_room_motion
>     from: 'on'
>     platform: state
>     to: 'off'
>     for:
>        minutes: 15
>   condition: []
>   action:
>   - entity_id: light.couch_lamp,light.paper_lamp,light.left_sconce,light.right_sconce
>     service: homeassistant.turn_on
> - id: '1550689738874'
>   alias: Master Bedroom Lamps Motion OFF
>   trigger:
>   - entity_id: binary_sensor.master_bathroom_motion
>     from: 'on'
>     platform: state
>     to: 'off'
>     for:
>        minutes: 5
>   condition: []
>   action:
>   - entity_id: light.my_lamp,light.nancys_lamp
>     service: homeassistant.turn_off
> - id: '1550689803835'
>   alias: Master Bathroom Lights OFF
>   trigger:
>   - entity_id: binary_sensor.master_bathroom_motion
>     from: 'on'
>     platform: state
>     to: 'off'
>     for:
>        minutes: 15
>   condition: []
>   action:
>   - entity_id: light.switchlinc_dimmer_42_d6_c2
>     service: homeassistant.turn_off
> - id: '1550689869100'
>   alias: Sputnik Light Motion OFF
>   trigger:
>   - entity_id: binary_sensor.kitchen_motion
>     from: 'on'
>     platform: state
>     to: 'off'
>     for:
>        minutes: 5
>   condition: []
>   action:
>   - entity_id: light.z_wave_products_inc_wd_100_level
>     service: homeassistant.turn_off
> - id: '1550689920091'
>   alias: Stairs Lights Motion OFF
>   trigger:
>   - entity_id: binary_sensor.stairs_motion
>     from: 'on'
>     platform: state
>     to: 'off'
>     for:
>        minutes: 5
>   condition: []
>   action:
>   - entity_id: light.led_bulb_47_37_f1,light.led_bulb_47_33_08
>     service: homeassistant.turn_off

I really do like the Zooz 4 in 1. They’re a solid product and great price - they have a lot better range than the Aeotec 6 in 1 and are a lot quicker than the ECO one in my hallway. The other X30s PIR are solid too, but are just motion. I’ve noticed this on both SmartThings and now HASS. Now if I can only get my damn Plex servers and Harmony Hubs working… does it ever end?


Oh, I like that. I have essentially the same sensor (Monoprice branded), and also set up binary_sensor entries to get a more usable entity, but used a much more elaborate set if automations to do so - I have one automation to turn the sensor on, and a separate one to turn the sensor off.

This is much cleaner, I think I’ll steal it :slight_smile:

I’ve done that probably a dozen times all with varying degrees of success. As I mentioned, I get sensors on some that I don’t on others and I’ve NEVER got the battery sensor. However, each time I get to the point where the query stage reports COMPLETE.

The ancillary sensors that show up or do not show up don’t bother me. The important sensors that I need are motion, temp, and humidity. Those are all working and reporting wonderfully. The last one I would need is battery and that never seems to be showing up when the device is added.

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Battery is an attribute of the zwave entity, not a sensor. You’ll need to make your own.

Something like:

- platform: template
      unit_of_measurement: '%'
      device_class: battery
      value_template: "{{ state_attr('zwave.left_garage_door', 'battery_level') }}"

Search the forums and you’ll find various scripts and automations to generate battery sensors or low battery notifications.

All my battery devices show 100% all the time and I never see any battery messages in the OZW logs, so it seems like the level is never requested. Haven’t figured that out yet. :man_shrugging:

it never ends. that’s the fun of it. :slight_smile: . I have 9 of the little zooz 4 in 1’s. I don’t use them so much for motion, as for temperature to control my ceiling fans and humidity to control the exhaust fan in the master bathroom. But I’m happy with them and their support team is easy to work with.

my battery levels change occasionally, but it’s usually when it gets low that it starts reportring for me.

So I just got my first actual zooz in today. I have a Monoprice one as well but the entities are clearly different between the 2.
So this new sensor I intend to stick it in with our hedgehogs to monitor their temp and control the heaters.

Its working great but I cannot get the LED to disable. I select disable and then tell it to push it to the sensor. I can see it queue everything up in the OZW log and then when the sensor awakens nothing changes. The LED continues to flash. I don’t want to freak the little buggers out at night while they’re doing their hedgehog things and then boom they’re blasted by the LED blinking in there.

The Monoprice one took its command without an issue to disable its LED, and all of the other zwave things I have in this house that I can set the LED states on work just fine, but this one is baffling me. Thanks.

I’ve found Home Assistant finnicky about sending the commands. For the Zooz sensor, I use the little clip to push the button a few times right before and after I click the button on Home Assistant to send the command. I have much better success rate getting the change to happen if I do that. YMMV

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Thanks I’ll give that a whirl

I can’t get this thing to detect motion. What am I doing wrong?

Zooz 4 in 1 branded as monoprice
HA 90.2

Is the binary sensor (only one binary sensor) the motion sensor? I have the following sensors:


Any help and/or explanation is appreciated.

On my Zooz it’s burglar and I have it set to anything higher than 5 (usually reports 7 when motion is sensed)

Interesting mine is 8. Where did you hear the “5”? I could not find useful documentation on this.

Someone above said it was the “alarm level” sensor.

HomeKit only wants to import the binary sensor, is there some way to force the sensor into HomeKit? I am trying to have HomeKit manage automations for us, but in trying to force inclusion I lost all of my imported HomeKit sensors (momentarily) and now they are no longer in the groups I spent a bunch of time putting everything into and all of my existing automations are not missing HA items.

You are correct… it is 8 (but you set it to respond to anything higher than 5). I also have a Dome motion sensor (much faster response time) and that is 7…

Documentation? Yep, I never found any… trial and error… the light sensor does work well on Zooz… I have the Dome detect motion and the Zooz light sensor (luminescence) as a condition (set to below 10) to turn on the outside lights…

I use the following for motion with the Zooz 4 in 1

    platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.zooz_zse40_4_in_1_sensor_alarm_level
    from: '0'
    to: '255'

Does anyone know how to calculate the LUX value from the luminance percentage?

Anybody successfully using the luminance sensor with this thing? That’s the primary reason why I chose this particular device, and so far it’s totally useless in that respect. It’s overcast outside and no lights are on in the house, and the sensor’s stuck on 100%. Any tips or tricks on getting that working? Motion detection, temperature, humidity seem to be spot on.

EDIT: Go figure that I got it to update immediately after posting this. Still would be curious if anyone else has had trouble or has tips and tricks.

You ever have any luck finding out the lux value for this sensor?

Rise from the dead, ye ole thread.

Once you created the templates, how did you get them listed in the Entities list? I can see them for automation and states, but no listing as a device or entity. I’d like to incorporate the new template into the original device’s entity list.