Zooz switch "firmware turned off"

I have a number of Zooz switches in my house. All of them but one work just fine, but the one (ZEN71) chronically has problems. I’m on home-assistant and I’m using the third-party automation blueprint for Zooz. It works fine for awhile, then I see in the log “firmware turned off” and then whenever the switch is hit I see something like “spa.switch.overhead fired Central Scene CC ‘value notification’ event for ‘Schene 002’: ‘0’” with no change to the lights.

I usually then re-interview the switch and it works fine for awhile, then somewhere between a few hours and a day it goes back to this state again.

What is strange is that I can control the switch via the app/web ui just fine. I can turn it on and off, and can trigger the various actions on the automation (which would make sense for the actions that affect the lights, but it doesn’t make sense that I can tell the switch various things and it responds but not via paddle hits).

I do have the switch parameter 11 ‘smart switch mode’ set to local control disabled, which should set it so that it’s paddle doesn’t turn itself on and off, but instead reports back to the hub and the home assistant hub provides instructions as to what to do.

Any clue what I’m doing wrong here?

Firmware version?

Ooh, good idea.


And my other switches are 3.10.0.

Off to go figure out a firmware update!

Updated it to 2.20.1 and it worked for awhile… long enough for me to go back and install my original settings and then now it’s back to where it was before.

So clearly something in my original settings is causing this.

So when it’s frozen up, if I hit the switch, I see
spa.switch.overhead fired Central Scene CC 'value notification' event for 'Scene (whatever)': 'KeyPressed x(whatever)'

I also see the toggle under Controls toggling off and on when I hit the switch, but the power isn’t actually cutting and no lights are responding. If hit the toggle in the app that will successfully cut the power (or, if the lights are on and the toggle is off, hitting the toggle once just gets the toggle back in sync with the lights and hitting it a second time actually cuts the power) but inputs from the switch do nothing.

Tonight I waited around and came back to it a couple of hours later and everything was fine.

I’m wondering if my 2x tap up is what’s causing the issue. I’ve got it set to connect the power on another switch (the shower fan) wait for an hour, then disconnect the power. I assumed that timer would be running in the background and not cause an issue to other commands but now I’m wondering (since the fan had been hit less than an hour ago, and when I came back a few hours later everything was unfrozen) if there’s some kind of queue being set up to wait until the fan timer is done.

Any clue what I’m doing wrong here?

alias: automation.spa.switch.overhead
description: ""
  path: austinmroczek/zooz-zen71-switch-automation-helper.yaml
    zooz_zen71: 99972a718d326d7a09907a6e2eb1bcf7
      - service: light.turn_on
        data: {}
            - 157e690edfc269e498a0e9259624c203
            - b781586e65accc0433903f8b337e234e
            - 2b17aee7db13bc8202c4a7aef4841a6d
            - 9a5b6341ba644ca4126bbe46981f07d5
      - service: light.turn_on
        data: {}
            - 157e690edfc269e498a0e9259624c203
            - b781586e65accc0433903f8b337e234e
            - 2b17aee7db13bc8202c4a7aef4841a6d
            - 9a5b6341ba644ca4126bbe46981f07d5
      - service: switch.turn_on
        data: {}
          device_id: 4d2eeba6f0c4f78b7f7e5aece7c7f10d
      - delay:
          hours: 1
          minutes: 0
          seconds: 0
          milliseconds: 0
      - service: switch.turn_off
        data: {}
          device_id: 4d2eeba6f0c4f78b7f7e5aece7c7f10d
      - service: switch.turn_on
        data: {}
          device_id: 99972a718d326d7a09907a6e2eb1bcf7
      - service: light.turn_off
        data: {}
            - 157e690edfc269e498a0e9259624c203
            - b781586e65accc0433903f8b337e234e
            - 2b17aee7db13bc8202c4a7aef4841a6d
            - 9a5b6341ba644ca4126bbe46981f07d5
      - service: switch.turn_off
        data: {}
          device_id: 99972a718d326d7a09907a6e2eb1bcf7
      - service: switch.turn_off
        data: {}
          device_id: 99972a718d326d7a09907a6e2eb1bcf7
      - delay:
          hours: 0
          minutes: 0
          seconds: 6
          milliseconds: 0
      - service: switch.turn_on
        data: {}
          device_id: 99972a718d326d7a09907a6e2eb1bcf7