Hey all. So I am trying to understand how the Zooz ZAC98 works. There isnt much info online about how it works. Regardless, Im probably over thinking this, but I was hoping I could get some information for my use case.
I have a house wired with an electronic doorbell chime module. This means that the doorbell system provides a constant low voltage to the doorbell button, and when pressed, the voltage changes, which triggers the electronic chime and plays the bell note in the speakers.
I want to make this a smart bell, and Im wondering if the zooz zac98 will be what I need. If it is, Im wondering how this will work. Im thinking that this module is attached to the two wires that connect to the chime via the NC input. You then attach a zwave or wifi dry contact relay on the other end? Am I missing something? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!