Does anyone have the Zooz ZEN17 working as expected when configured as 2 relays independent of the input terminals and both relays independently controllable from within Home Assistant?
Mine is behaving strangely. I configured my ZEN17 universal relay as follows:
S1 Terminal Input Type: On/off report (dry contact): excluded and then included device
S2 Terminal Input Type: On/off report (dry contact): excluded and then included device
Control Relay 1 with S1 Input: Disabled
Control Relay 2 with S2 Input: Disabled
The entity names created were not at all helpful. I identified the entity for the S1 input by shorting the S1 and C terminals, and repeated the process to identify the entity for the S2 input. During this process the relays were not affected; no audible clicks, no changes in the continuity states of the relay terminals.
For the remaining 2 entities I toggled them on or off within Home Assistant.
One of these entities controlled the R1 relay as expected:
When the entity was switched ON to OFF or OFF to ON there was an audible click from the device.
When the entity was switched OFF in Home Assistant there was continuity between the NC and C terminal and no continuity between the NO and C terminals.
When the entity was switched ON in Home Assistant there was no continuity between the NC and C terminal and continuity between the NO and C terminals.
So the remaining entity must be the R2 relay.
And here is the strange behavior:
The R2 entity can be turned on or off within Home Assistant and there is no observable change to the device. No audible click. No changes in the continuity states of any of the relay terminals.
The S1 entity, when turned on or off within Home Assistant WILL ALSO turn on or off the R2 relay, verified by an audible click and by changes in the continuity states of the R2 relay. Further, the R2 entity in Home Assistant is also turned on or off.
And more strange behavior:
If the configuration is changed so that the S1 input controls the R1 relay and the S2 input controls the R2 relay:
Manipulating the S1 and S2 entities within Home Assistant is not changed from the above behavior: changing the S1 entity changes the R2 entity; changing the S2 entity changes no other entity.
Manipulating the S1 and S2 terminals on the device results in expected behavior. Shorting the S1 and C terminals on the device controls the R1 relay. Shorting the S2 and C terminals on the device controls the R2 relay. The entities in Home Assistant follow the states of the corresponding terminals on the device.
The result is that the R2 relay is pretty much unusable.
I excluded the device, did a factory reset, and repeated the inclusion/configuration procedure and the behavior is the same.
You should get three switches after pairing and two sensors.
R1, R2 and. Switch for both and a binary sensor for each.
Include the device (three taps)
configure the device, ie set param 2 and 3 to ‘10’ ie On/Off Report Dry Contact Switch/Sensor
exclude the device (three taps)
include the device without factory reset (three taps)
ensure the device was added properly, ie all parameters report their names, not just parameter ID numbers, ie parameters 2 and 3 actually say ‘On/Off Report’ not just the value ‘10’. If you only see values, exclude and reinclude until the device is added properly with named values, and wave version is 2, beaming is checked, and security is the highest(s2 auth)
After writing the text below I noticed that my firmware is 1.3.1. I think the next step is for me to get that updated. My impression is that I have to register the product to get firmware updates, so I just did that. It looks like that might take a day. Until then…
Can you manually switch the R2 relay from Home Assistant? When you do, at the device, is there an audible click and does the state of continuity of the R2 terminals actually change? If that all works as expected in your case then the problem would appear to be the actual device and not a bug in Home Assistant.
Is it possible to manually change an entity from switch to sensor? Or to binary_sensor? I get 5 entities, but all are switches; none are sensors.
I did configure exactly as you describe. And the result is that the parameters all report their names and the device info window shows the following:
Device info
by Zooz
Firmware: 1.3.1
Z-Wave Info
ID: 30
Status: Alive
Ready: Yes
Highest security: S2 Authenticated
Z-Wave Plus: Version 2
I’m using USB-C jack for power. I get the described behavior with nothing connected to any terminal, and that doesn’t change when I make the additional connections.
Those additional connections are VC and C terminals (grouped with the S1 terminal) wired to the 24 VAC hot and common (respectively) output from a thermostat. The hot is live when my in-slab heating system is running. The device is working well enough for this functionality. But I’d prefer fuss with the configuration until all of the device’s features are working correctly now rather than sometime in the future should I try to use the other features.
I installed the latest firmware update for the device, and then excluded it from the ZWave network. I then repeated the inclusion & configuration process again. Now everything is working as expected. I have one switch entity for each of the two relays that works correctly (2 total), and one binary_sensor entity for each of the two input sensors (2 total) as well as one switch entity for the device, which affects both relays simultaneously. I did need to manually enable the binary_sensor entities.
I just purchased two ZEN17 universal relays and am seeing behaviour like you described.
I upgraded the firmware on one of them, excluded and re-configured but do not see a change in behavior.
Is yours still working? What does your configuration screen look like? You are describing binary sensors that I don’t see to have.
After a lot of messing about the device does operate correctly and I like it a lot.
The NO / NC terminals are a very nice feature in these relays
OK the trick is the names come in all wrong for the Controls.
Rename as follows (compare the picture in my last post vs this one)
Relay 1 => Parent
Relay 2 => Relay 1
(2) => Relay 2
Note that I did not need to update the firmware to get it working. My units shipped with 1.20.2 and the bug fixes in 1.30.2 are only minor.
VER. 1.30 (released 4/2023 as OTA file)
Firmware: 1.30
Fixed setting bug: you can now set any value for parameter 2 or 3 (input type) when parameter 24 (DC motor mode) is set to value 1 (enabled).
Fixed setting bug: R2 output now behaves correctly after a power outage with input type set to garage door mode (parameter 3 set to value 11). It no longer needs to be turned on and off first to resume normal operation.
Added new settings to set input trigger duration (parameters 25 and 26, see all settings here)
Added new setting to assign fixed on or off actions to inputs (parameter 27, see all settings here)