I have a Zooz Zen31 RGBW dimmer switch that I want to use a specific configuaration parameter in an automation, or simply to create an input boolean virtual switch for.
I can only access the option throguh configure device menu, it is paramater 157 - Preset programs (fireplace,storm,police,rainbow,polar lights). This paramater 157 does not appear in the automation pull down menu options so i am at a loss on how to access it easier.
I’m not a programmer, just a DIYer learning on the fly, any input appreciated please.
Are you trying to trigger when the config parameter changes, or change the value in the automation? In either case, configuration parameters should be available for Trigger/Action using Device Trigger/Action types. Are you not see any choices like this?
If the configuration parameter shows up in the Device configuration page, it should also appear in the action selection. Do there any available config parameter actions, or is only 157 missing?
If you want, you could post the node’s entry from the network dump, and we could see if it’s a problem in the integration. That has all the config params. Go to Configuration → Devices & Services → Z-Wave JS Configure → Download Data.
That is what I would expect to see, and nothing wrong as far as I can tell, it should be in the list. The list might not be in alphabetical order, is there a chance you just missed it? If it’s not there, you could report an issue if you wanted.
The alternative is to use the “Call service” action instead, and choose zwave_js.set_config_parameter. The “Parameter” can be the number (157) or name (“Preset Programs”), and the Value can be the number (6) or string (“Fireplace”).