Zooz Zen31 Template help

I am trying to setup my Zen31 to control a dual WW and CW LED strip. I have the WW wired to the White channel and I have the CW wired to the Blue Channel. I see a number of posts trying to figure this out here on the forum.

I want a template that will basically swing the color temperature from pure WW to pure CW and variations in between. This involves adjusting the brightness of both channels from 0%-100% or 0-255, whichever you prefer, to get the right color combination.

I found a template on Github but it is for a Shelly. I am trying to modify for the Zen31.

He says to change out certain parts to match your setup. He is calling out the Shelly channels, one for warm light and one for cold light. My problem is I don’t know how to call out the right channels on my Zen31.

When I pull up the Zen31 entity in my HA, I don’t see ‘channels’ I see that HA sets it like this:

Kitchen Island Light Full WW Channel:

  - rgbw
color_mode: rgbw
brightness: 255
  - 0
  - 0
  - 255
  - 255
  - 255
  - 0.323
  - 0.329
  - 0
  - 0
  - 0
  - 255
friendly_name: "Kitchen Island Light East "
supported_features: 32
Kitchen Island Light B Channel

  - rgbw
color_mode: rgbw
brightness: 255
  - 240.941
  - 100
  - 0
  - 0
  - 255
  - 0.136
  - 0.04
  - 0
  - 0
  - 255
  - 0
friendly_name: "Kitchen Island Light East "
supported_features: 32

Does this make any sense? How do swap out the Shelly entity with the Zooz Zen31?

I don’t think the Shelly approach will work. The Shelly has an option to change from RGBW (which shows up as one light entity in HA) to a generic four channel setup (so that each output on the controller is a separate light entity). The template works by manipulating the brightness of two channels at the same time.

The ZEN31 only having one entity means there’s only one brightness setting.

Ah…that makes sense. I haven’t used the Shelly devices. Thanks for the information.