Zooz ZEN32 Control and Track all in one

I have the same issue. This is my only zwave device. Zen32 works with other blue prints that don’t have all these options in one BP. I’ve even compared your yaml against one that works and don’t see any noticeable difference.
Event looks the same as AxeBro.

Some updates:
Tried a power off server restart.
I’ve removed the other Zen32 blueprints thinking there might be some overlap in some way.
I added action device to all the buttons.
Running latest HA 2024.6.1
ZEN32 800LR firmware showing up to date (2.30.2)

Found this in the log:
Logger: homeassistant.components.automation.new_zen32_scene_and_state_z_wave_js
Source: components/automation/init.py:844
integration: Automation (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 2:31:20 PM (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 2:41:46 PM

Error rendering trigger variables: UndefinedError: ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘target’

Testing a pretty huge rewrite of this with nighttime LED disable, brightness control, refresh on Home Assistant restart and lots of optimization.

This will require you to reset your colors/state/brightness, scenes will be the same. Do you mind testing this?

Fixed a bug where night time would disable the LED on the relay button, so there is now an option to control the big button relay tracking.

Tried this, seems like it will not turn the relay light off for me. For instance if I set the relay to LED Off for off behavior, and magenta for on behavior. It will change to Magenta then never change back. And tested the night light function (Awesome idea by the way) turned all the other LEDs off but not the relay button.

For a suggestion Is there anyway to have night time mode a choice just to turn off the LEDs of lights that are not on?

You lost me, you turned relay tracking off and then it stopped tracking led state?

So you want the nighttime LED to track only on state?

I can never get the top relay LED to be off for either Off or on behavior. It will only ever change colour.

That would be great as an option. my thought is then when I have devices on and it becomes nighttime I can still see which buttons I need to turn off when i leave the room if that makes sense.

I had actually tried that when I initially reported this. Figured it wouldn’t hurt. But it’s like the BP doesn’t even see the button press.

Think I fixed the relay LED issue, please try it out. Also added setting the switch parameters to the blueprint so it’s easier.

The night time conditional is going to be really confusing, I’m concerned it’s already too confusing. If you have a way to make that easy to understand, I’m open to it. Can already see the next request to choose which buttons follow nighttime as well…

Hey Roy, think Version : 2024.6.1-71 fixed the issue, and the note at the top about parameter 20 is helpful.

I understand about night time, and if its too much dont worry about it. My thought was That sometimes i have 3 out of the 5 buttons on so their LED indicators are on telling me which ones are on. Then night mode kicks in and all the LEDs are now dark, so I have to just rely on memory, now one Zen32 isnt a problem, i have 10 though so I could see that being a bit annoying. But by no means a dealbreaker problem.

Over all the blueprint is great.

For me, i only use nightime on the bedroom switch. So i want them all off. I’ll think about it…

True, I have about 5 in bedrooms so it is less of a concern. And ideally when you turn the buttons off that were on then the LEDs would be off until the morning.

@AxeBro Latest version fix your issue? All good?

sorry - just tried latest - didn’t work. Created a whole new automation… we’re getting closer, as at least now it “triggers” the blueprint - just that the light doesn’t do anything:


for all intents and purposes, it should work. It’s even firing the right part of the blueprint:

Nothing happens at the light. What’s strange is that when I “run” that from inside the BP it works fine.

We’re super close to this. Thank you for this.

Another data point - I have a 800LR that’s also being ignored by the BP.

Scene Controller - Family Room fired Central Scene CC ‘value notification’ event for ‘Scene 002’: ‘KeyPressed’

9:04:53 PM - 35 seconds ago

There’s no Traces in the automation. And I created this Automation after re-importing the bp.

The only thing I noticed is that they are both going through a repeater. I wonder if that’s a cause?

@AxeBro Z-wave being repeated will not affect this. You have something else happening… are the rest of your Z-wave devices working ok? Makes me think your HA zwave-js is not functioning right.

@CamCorp Think I found a good solution for per button nighttime and nitghttime brightness override. If you want to test it out here: Zen32-HA-Blueprint/ZEN32-control-track.yaml at d26815d806af3497bbc7b4c4702945d59bdb5c5d · rwalker777/Zen32-HA-Blueprint · GitHub

I’ve finally got a use case for this and gave it a whirl. I’m not sure why, but I’m not getting any trigger.

BP -2024.6.2
Switch is an 800LR.

Are there changes I need to make to the settings vs the fxlt blueprint that I’ve been previously using?

Updates and progress looks awesome BTW. I’m digging the folding sections (first updated BP I’ve looked at since the core update).

Edit - here’s an example event and my yaml

event_type: zwave_js_value_notification
  domain: zwave_js
  node_id: 5
  home_id: 3702981746
  endpoint: 0
  device_id: 0b23ab7176ca1930b280979ce098d308
  command_class: 91
  command_class_name: Central Scene
  label: Scene 005
  property: scene
  property_name: scene
  property_key: "005"
  property_key_name: "005"
  value: KeyPressed
  value_raw: 0
origin: LOCAL
time_fired: "2024-06-18T03:14:28.690906+00:00"
  parent_id: null
  user_id: null
alias: ZEN32 - Front Scones - State Tracking
description: ""
  path: rwalker777/ZEN32-control-track.yaml
    input_entity4: binary_sensor.thuja_power_sensor_binary
    zooz_switch: 0b23ab7176ca1930b280979ce098d308
    track_relay0: "1"
      - choose:
          - conditions:
              - condition: state
                entity_id: light.kitchen_cans
                state: "on"
              - service: light.turn_off
                metadata: {}
                  transition: 1
                  entity_id: light.kitchen_cans
          - conditions:
              - condition: state
                entity_id: light.kitchen_cans
                state: "off"
              - service: adaptive_lighting.apply
                  entity_id: switch.adaptive_lighting_adapt_brightness_living_room
                    - light.kitchen_cans
                  transition: "1"
                  adapt_brightness: true
                  turn_on_lights: true
    input_entity2: binary_sensor.acer_power_sensor_binary
    off_state2: "99"
    off_state4: "99"
      - service: input_button.press
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
          entity_id: input_button.wake_thuja
      - service: input_button.press
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
          entity_id: input_button.wake_acer
    input_entity3: alarm_control_panel.alarm_control_panel
    on_color3: "3"
      - service: script.button_down_the_house
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
    unavail_color3: "5"
    unavail_color4: "5"
    unavail_color2: "5"
    p24_relay_scene_control: "1"

I realized that a bunch of the configuration entities for LED color and indicator were still disabled by default. I enable them, which I didn’t expect to fix the problem, but did it preemptively guessing it was necessary for the blueprint to have control of them.

I added a second event data which was reaally unneeded, try the new version.

Just gave 2024.6.3-12 a try from your link a few posts up and still no event captured even though HA is seeing the event.